Info: EU Account Hacking / Social Engineering attempt at YouTube



Jan 26, 2006
Art of War
Avatar Name
Leona DaVinci
There is an "video" at YouTube promoting an Software to "hack" Entropia Universe, "hack" in the sense that the player could gain ped and any armor wanted.

Basically the software is an Social Engineering tool of course.
With an (old) Clientloader image as background and some text controls added it asks for amount of peds wanted, type of armor wanted, user login and password. :laugh:

No need to mention the only thing the software does, is transfering login and password to the nice guy who made this tool.

An mail adress is provided in the video to obtain the software and contact the guy to pay for further uses. :laugh:

So why do i post this here:

First, to warn not so experienced players that the purpose of any tool of this kind is only to get hold of your account data, and you will lose your ped's, skills and items if you fall for it.

Second, it bothers me that something like this can be online at YouTube since months already. I ask everyone with YouTube account to use the "report" button under the video (i did already of course), so the video get's removed asap:

I think it is in our interest as community that we don't ignore stuff like this in the future. As EU gets more and more known we will see more attempts of this kind. Software like this can be made with very little effort, but the criminals needs an plattform to promote / distribute it.

Of course I reported it to MA, they might also want to contact YouTube.

I am aware that we have an user here at EF who obviously could be connected to this issue because of two "similarities". I kindly ask you not to discuss this any further in this thread, i don't want it get locked.

Leona D.

Update 2008.09.28

Thanks and +rep to all who flagged it, together we got it removed within 24 hours after it was on for months.

Interesting thing, it seems it got removed by the user himself. Might be YouTube requested him too, might also be he did see this thread.

If i am not mistaken also an certain ef-account "vanished" in the last 24 hours, if happened what i think: Good job Mods!
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ROFL, anyone stupid enough to believe this scam deserves to get hacked :rolleyes:.
Any 'why are Romanians banned' whiners around? :rolleyes:

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Entropia First Real Hack
Added: 4 months ago
Views: 1,455
ROFL, anyone stupid enough to believe this scam deserves to get hacked :rolleyes:.

Too funny! :laugh:

While i wrote this post i already had that reply in mind, literally :laugh:

You can see that sentence in basically any scam / hack related thread.

So what do you want to tell us?

That you are so cool and clever and never would fall for anything?
Thats good, just doesn't contribute much to this thread.

That there are actually people who deserve to lose stuff, skills, money...?
Guess you tell your gf same after she got robbed in an dark street, her fault if she goes out at night, right?

That there is nobody falling for stuff like that at all anyway?
Well, can tell you it happens daily, an lot. My real live work is IT related and so i have to do with cases of phishing, internet scams... quite often. I can tell you the victims are not stupid persons in general! Just some people haven't developed something i would call "common sense for security" when it comes to internet and IT in general.
Maybe the main problem is that we must have a security knowledge and we can't trust in anyone. :(
Another problem is that there is a pick up market for stuffs like this one. If you are watching closely most mmo has something similar on torrent and warez sites.
I wouldnt be suprised if this turdbag have registered with the very same mail, so I sent a support. Hoping MA will check it out, who knows -maybe it leads somewhere.

Flagged it.
gave me a good laugh:) "Firt time is for free", guy is a master speller, he even manages to spell his own email address differently in two places.
"You can use this hack" - pause - (thoughts in empty head of his racing - whats the good "believable" number to feed the dumbasses that will actually run this troj") - "2 times for free" LOL
Personally, I think MA should somehow make *gold cards compulsory and we would see the end of bullshit like this.

*I havnt really thought it through..but thats not my job.

On second thoughts.. if your stupid enough to put your user/pass in there.. your prolly stupid enough to put a valid gold card code in there too.
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When I saw it I just thought "this is worthless to see" and I simply didnt saw it at all till now :laugh:
there are some jerks that like to play with these things... like a video I also saw "lessons to make profit in EU" ... :rolleyes:
I say hack his account, sell is armor and skills, redistribute the peds amongst the morons who fell for the scam. Take his now n00b avatar to the worst outpost in game and stick him there. Then report the account as a major scammer.

Personally that's what would do, but then again I am an evil little bastard.
Flagged it but theres not much else that one can do on youtube website.
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Good catch Leona :wtg:
Thanks and +rep to all who flagged it, together we got it removed within 24 hours after it was on for months.

Interesting thing, it seems it got removed by the user himself. Might be YouTube requested him too, might also be he did see this thread.

If i am not mistaken also an certain ef-account "vanished" in the last 24 hours, if happened what i think: Good job Mods!
Anyone searching entropia hacks with then intention to use it or those who have stumble across this and used it are breaking the law so I have no pity if they did get hacked. Im not holier than thou but only an ounce of common sense tells you that you shouldn't even be attempting to use such a program.

Nice find though and thx for bringing to light +rep
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Makes me glad I got my free Gold Card :yay:
I say hack his account, sell is armor and skills, redistribute the peds amongst the morons who fell for the scam. Take his now n00b avatar to the worst outpost in game and stick him there. Then report the account as a major scammer.

Personally that's what would do, but then again I am an evil little bastard.

100% agreed. I hate nasty scammers. Hacking regular people is bad. Hacking a hacker would be hilarious :laugh:
i saw that video too and lolled.. why doesnt he log in to show it really works :F
well done for raising an important issue & having sharp eyes.
If i am not mistaken also an certain ef-account "vanished" in the last 24 hours, if happened what i think: Good job Mods!

Headshot confirmed.

(not me tho!)
well some great news I went to report this video with u tube and its removed already so great work on your part - and no I did not read below so you might already knows its been removed already!
Heheheh... funny.

Who goes for these tricks deserves to be hacked scammed and banned.

Seen entropia hacks on diffrent torrent sites few months ago.
Sent all the links to MA in a supportcase to let them dl and try them :D
That there are actually people who deserve to lose stuff, skills, money...?
Guess you tell your gf same after she got robbed in an dark street, her fault if she goes out at night, right?

I don't give a damn about people that try to hack MA. They want to steal money, so they are criminals. If they get scammed its just the risk coming with that line of business.

Playing on greed is definitely the most common (and most successful) of the scamming techniques out there, both here and in RL...

During 2h walk up and down the Seine in Paris two weeks ago, no less then 7 (!) "gold rings" were found just in front of my feet by friendly people ;)
MA should reply to him with pass and username, than track him down like a Kojac, and slice this shit like a samurai !!! :headbang:
i wont fall for this ;)
Guess you tell your gf same after she got robbed in an dark street, her fault if she goes out at night, right?

That there is nobody falling for stuff like that at all anyway?
Well, can tell you it happens daily, an lot. My real live work is IT related and so i have to do with cases of phishing, internet scams... quite often. I can tell you the victims are not stupid persons in general!

There's a difference between getting robbed and entering a crackhouse with a 5" skirt asking if they can change your $500 bill ... People aren't always stupid but in most cases ... it is their own fault. Either in Virtual or in Real life you need to be cautious, it unfortunately is not a perfect world. Don't know what you have to do? Ask a friend, visit the websites, ask communitites. It can't get any easier at all. If you work in IT related area, you must known that most people ignore almost any kind of usefull message as they are too busy watching the orange monkey jumping up and down their desktop.
I don't give a damn about people that try to hack MA. They want to steal money, so they are criminals. If they get scammed its just the risk coming with that line of business.

There's a difference between getting robbed and entering a crackhouse with a 5" skirt asking if they can change your $500 bill ... People aren't always stupid but in most cases ... it is their own fault. Either in Virtual or in Real life you need to be cautious, it unfortunately is not a perfect world. Don't know what you have to do? Ask a friend, visit the websites, ask communitites. It can't get any easier at all.

Yes, basically i would agree. I don't care if someone who deliberately does something wrong / criminal suffers from the results of his actions.

I do not like the attitude "haha, dumb people deserves it" though. And that was the tone of the post i responded too.

Didn't want to go into it, but let me explain why i do care at all:

Who will pay the bill?

Nearly every successfully scam / hack causes workload on MA's side. Don't underestimate the costs related to this.

Opposite to how it sometimes seems, MA does care and has an lot of work with hacker and scammer. The misconception from our side is that we expect MA to do "justice", we want to see results.
But first priority is that the "thief" does not get away with the money. Best way to prevent criminal activity is to make it not worthwhile.
Givin the stuff, skills, gear back to the victim, well, thats what we want to see, but might be rather problematic from an legally point of view.

Anyway, who will pay for the wage costs of the people at MA who tracks down the database logs, locks accounts, handles hack / scam related support tickets? The victim, the scammer / hacker?
Or you, the regular players?

Reputation of EU

We invest an lot of time and some of us an lot of money into our avatars. EU isn't so broadly known yet to be an worthwhile "target" for the media. But we all do hope it get's more and more known, don't we?

Now, MA claims to have an secure plattform. And actually i do not know of any case where an account really got "hacked" (i. e. an brute force attack on an account).
All cases i am aware off has been done by, well the fault of the player. E-Mail account, keylogger from 3th party software, social engineering...

MA can't do much about that, but do you think the media will care. Of course not. "Well known Virtual Universe got hacked" is an better headline then "Some random person was stupid and gave away his account data", isn't it?

If Entropia Universe reputation suffers, we who invested time and / or money will suffer too. Rather silly attitute to light a bonfire if anyone get hacked in my book, doesn't matter if it was his own fault or not.
Not asked too much if the community helps an little if we can prevent it.

The Drama

Have you had an person who you care about seen suffer from an scam / hack, be it in EU or anywhere in reallive. It sucks, it badly sucks. Yes, yes, 99% of the time the "fault" of the victim. Doesn't help at all when it has happened, the friends of that person suffers too, if they are friends at all.

I have some rather young players on my fl, they often come up with some silly ideas. Even after few months of playing they don't get that this is not "just another game". They don't really get the idea of an real cash ecomomy too, but they learn, hopefully with our help. And sometimes we can prevent them from making mistakes.

I love to lurk the forum, i hate to post. It takes me more then 2 freaking hours for an post like this due too bad english writing skills, slightly dyslexic too. Every second word has to be checked with online dictionary :laugh:. It's an pain really.
But if only one account hack / scam can be prevented due to this thread it was worth it.

Leona D.

If you work in IT related area, you must known that most people ignore almost any kind of usefull message as they are too busy watching the orange monkey jumping up and down their desktop.

yes, :laugh:
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I can confirm that this does not work. :wise:
I can confirm that this does not work. :wise:

*Cough* You know that from hearsay, don't you? Cause you sure haven't tried out something like that? ;)