


Mar 15, 2006
Only on Treasure Island

Description :


Creature Type :

Damage Type : Impact 50%, Acid 50%

DNA Parts :

Eye :
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Clan Leader


Vu 9.4
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How many parts does the DNA require? Any info about the full recipe?
Several were looted recently so what is still missing?

We want FURORE :D
How many parts does the DNA require? Any info about the full recipe?
Several were looted recently so what is still missing?

We want FURORE :D

Just loot some more eyes and skulls and give them to deathifier
I just saw a global at them at the new discovery !
Does anyone know where it is?
[br]Click to enlarge[/br]

Is the pic and they're NE of TI City!
Clan Leader :ahh:

[br]Click to enlarge[/br]
And a few more shots up close. Notice the cool red cartoon eyes :silly2:

And the bandit will stand up right a few seconds after it dies - and then fall nosefirst into the dust. Pretty cool feature.
And when you least expect it, they do a double-hit on you, 2 hits in less than a second - keep that health fapped up!
And when you least expect it, they do a double-hit on you, 2 hits in less than a second - keep that health fapped up!

I think that might just be lag or server load issues, I haven't seen any special attack combo.

They simply thump their chest, then thump you :)

- Deathifier
Their chest thumping looks mysteriously like a :handjob: gesture to me..
To me, the Furor is a lot inspired from the 1st King Kong made in 1933.

The overall body, face and behaviours are really similar.

And when you least expect it, they do a double-hit on you, 2 hits in less than a second - keep that health fapped up!

or they kill u :rofl:
i know it will kill me lol
good job deathifier
I did some quick tests which seem to suggest that they do Impact and Acid damage, though I'm not yet sure of the amounts of each type.
I did some quick tests which seem to suggest that they do Impact and Acid damage, though I'm not yet sure of the amounts of each type.

It is impact and acid, and close to 50% of each (though it may also be more impact than acid).
There is no indication of why they do acid damage though, unless they sweat acid or something :)

The damage ranges found from testing yesterday, against an unarmoured player:

Worker: 35-69
Gatherer: 43-77
Patron: 51-101
Thief: 59-115
Rouge: 66-133
Scavenger: 76 - 147

- Deathifier
There is no indication of why they do acid damage though, unless they sweat acid or something :)

Because it makes MA's prizes more valuable.
They look cute and the loot is storing slowly on them ;)
Cool mob; didn't have the time to see them yet :ninja:
I wonder if they're going to be included in WoF.
dmg test's further defined.

today i decided to run some tests on the furor dmg potential. and i decided to test this using a simple known. i went unarmored.

after about 45 min of running to the same Thief mob, i had coected the following data. (i couldnt continue, people started kiling all the mobs!)

this was on the thief maturity mob.

thief:86.7, 85.1, 101.9, 62.7, 100.3, 73.5, 75.7, 66.0, 78.5, 82.2, 96.3, 111.6, 114.4, 93.9, 104.9, 88.8, 88.5, 89.7, 91.0, 90.5, 116.1

this data shows that in 21 hits, the thief maturity will average 90.39 dmg per hit.

since the minimum i was hit was 62.7 and it's maximum was 116.1, and the known fact that ma likes to round dmg to the next whole "5" for minimum's and maximums, for easier math. this means there most likely minimum dmg is 55.0 and there maximum is 120. (the minimum is taking into consideration deathifier's data)
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today i decided to run some tests on the furor dmg potential. and i decided to test this using a simple known. i went unarmored.

after about 45 min of running to the same Thief mob, i had coected the following data. (i couldnt continue, people started kiling all the mobs!)

this was on the thief maturity mob.

thief:86.7, 85.1, 101.9, 62.7, 100.3, 73.5, 75.7, 66.0, 78.5, 82.2, 96.3, 111.6, 114.4, 93.9, 104.9, 88.8, 88.5, 89.7, 91.0, 90.5, 116.1

this data shows that in 21 hits, the thief maturity will average 90.39 dmg per hit.

since the minimum i was hit was 62.7 and it's maximum was 116.1, and the known fact that ma likes to round dmg to the next whole "5" for minimum's and maximums, for easier math. this means there most likely minimum dmg is 55.0 and there maximum is 120. (the minimum is taking into consideration deathifier's data)

With your data and Deathifier's combined, I would say the Thief has a max damage of between 117 and 119. Minimum damage is always half of maximum damage, so if it was 120, it would be impossible to get a naked hit lower than 60.

I don't think MA round things to 5s, but maybe players entering their estimates into Entropedia do :)

I'm trying to think of a good way to use that info to get a fix on the exact damage amounts. Deathi am I right thinking you have a Sentinel set? That could be very useful here.
I've always assumed that acid also covers poison, so they could have poisonous claws :) Although they are aliens/mutants, so there's nothing unusual about acid dripping from them.
I'm trying to think of a good way to use that info to get a fix on the exact damage amounts. Deathi am I right thinking you have a Sentinel set? That could be very useful here.

Easiest way to get all the numbers is on the lowest maturity, when things are quiet, and just take a couple hundred hits per maturity :)
That's not going to happen for the moment though.

I don't have Sentinel, or any high-impact protecting suit.

It does look like using Gremlin + 5B is a pretty cheap combo, though taking on rouges in it might cause problems.

If I remeber it right a friend off mine got a ~30dmg hit from one off the midel once in a mix whit viking/polaris+5B...
Nice mobs but they drop to much brown paint which is very heavy .
It does look like using Gremlin + 5B is a pretty cheap combo, though taking on rouges in it might cause problems.

Yes, I can confirm, it does cause probelms :D (especially when using a P5a :laugh:)
since the minimum i was hit was 62.7 and it's maximum was 116.1, and the known fact that ma likes to round dmg to the next whole "5" for minimum's and maximums, for easier math. this means there most likely minimum dmg is 55.0 and there maximum is 120. (the minimum is taking into consideration deathifier's data)

Just to reiterate what Oleg said, there is no such known fact. The max damage a mob does is always an integer, but there's no preference for round numbers. The minimum is always half the maximum.

Nice testing though. Possible ranges are 58.5-117, 59-118 and 59.5-119. Depending on how Deathifier rounded to 59 we might be able to eliminate the last of those, and possibly even the last two.
Gatherer: 43-77

I kept track of hits received whilst picking off Gatherers tonight. In Gremlin+5B I took hits from 4.0 to 46.3 (the 4.0 was very early on, the 46.3 was quite late so may have been under 46 with fully repaired armor).

43-86 unarmored would give 4.0-47 through Gremlin+5B assuming the minimum hit had at least 15 Impact and 12 Acid. 42.5-85 is also quite possible.
Nice testing though. Possible ranges are 58.5-117, 59-118 and 59.5-119. Depending on how Deathifier rounded to 59 we might be able to eliminate the last of those, and possibly even the last two.

I rounded down for minimum, up for maximum. So a 59 hit wasn't 59 exactly, but 59.3 or 59.1 or so.

Gatherer wasn't tested as much as the others and from the differences between the other maturities it's probably closer to 80-85 for max, there being ~15 damage difference between each maturity level.

- Deathifier