Getting pregnant?? :D


Nov 10, 2006
Lund, Sweden
Pyrates of Calypso
Avatar Name
Jack RipperJax Ripley
Hey folks!
I just submitted the most crazy idea to the people at MA. The thing is that I love the idea myself, and would love to see it implemented. Imagine that all woman in MA could get pregnant (I dont care how right now, thats a later question). Pregnant so it can be seen long way that the person is knocked up. After a while, a month or two, a small apprentice (or something) pops out...I love the idea and I imagine all girls (and most men) would too! :D Am I totally off track here or do you like the idea as well? :rolleyes:
actually i dont think it's the best idea
Hey folks!
I just submitted the most crazy idea to the people at MA. The thing is that I love the idea myself, and would love to see it implemented. Imagine that all woman in MA could get pregnant (I dont care how right now, thats a later question). Pregnant so it can be seen long way that the person is knocked up. After a while, a month or two, a small apprentice (or something) pops out...I love the idea and I imagine all girls (and most men) would too! :D Am I totally off track here or do you like the idea as well? :rolleyes:

It seems that u have sex for that, and that'sagainst the EULA :D


Imagine the amount of teen pregnancies :laugh:
I think it's a bit weird.

The lady: "So what you doing in Entropia tonight"
Me: "Oh, just knocking up some virtual bird so we can create a child of Entropia"

Yeah... that's going to go down really well.

Kind of reminds me about that freaky shag the unicorn story.
I love the idea and I imagine all girls (and most men) would too! Am I totally off track here or do you like the idea as well?

Totally off track! Well you did ask :silly2:
Why not the Men

What about, if the men got pregnant, now thats a far better more intresting idea,


Hey folks!
I just submitted the most crazy idea to the people at MA. The thing is that I love the idea myself, and would love to see it implemented. Imagine that all woman in MA could get pregnant (I dont care how right now, thats a later question). Pregnant so it can be seen long way that the person is knocked up. After a while, a month or two, a small apprentice (or something) pops out...I love the idea and I imagine all girls (and most men) would too! :D Am I totally off track here or do you like the idea as well? :rolleyes:
Does that mean all the girls can have a second avitar or maybe they can give birth to some kind of loot! :)
Only if we can feed the little rug rats nutrino bars and park them in the stable for months on end. :D
Does that mean all the girls can have a second avitar or maybe they can give birth to some kind of loot! :)

HEHEEHEHEHE lets TT the child deed because it cost to much nutriobars :yay:


I think the AI needs some further development before we can give birth to NPC's
It seems that u have sex for that, and that'sagainst the EULA :D

Didn't u know that u don't havae to have sex to someone pregnant? :silly2:

All new avatars should come to EU through a birth. Male from male and female from female, equality ;)

:D :D
Didn't u know that u don't havae to have sex to someone pregnant? :silly2:

All new avatars should come to EU through a birth. Male from male and female from female, equality ;)

:D :D

Then we are all adam en eve's look alike :eek:
We all one big happy family :laugh:



ps. selling virtual condoms
Buying (L) pampers at TP :silly:

:duh: We missed bigdeal's virtual Condoms .. (I assume (L))
I think the AI needs some further development before we can give birth to NPC's

Oh man... giving birth to an auctioneer? First words: "Hello." :eek:
Hey folks!
I just submitted the most crazy idea to the people at MA. The thing is that I love the idea myself, and would love to see it implemented. Imagine that all woman in MA could get pregnant (I dont care how right now, thats a later question). Pregnant so it can be seen long way that the person is knocked up. After a while, a month or two, a small apprentice (or something) pops out...I love the idea and I imagine all girls (and most men) would too! :D Am I totally off track here or do you like the idea as well? :rolleyes:

As if I need anything else to spend my money on in game, Not going to pay child support the next 18 years for a virtual kid for sure :)

Fun idea tho... :laugh:
Hey folks!
I just submitted the most crazy idea to the people at MA. The thing is that I love the idea myself, and would love to see it implemented. Imagine that all woman in MA could get pregnant (I dont care how right now, thats a later question). Pregnant so it can be seen long way that the person is knocked up. After a while, a month or two, a small apprentice (or something) pops out...I love the idea and I imagine all girls (and most men) would too! :D Am I totally off track here or do you like the idea as well? :rolleyes:

Umm, no thanks! It would only lead to us male ava's having to pay for child support the next 18 years or so...:laugh: It's enough to have to pay MA for playing...;)

And how would they give birth, we have no genitals...:silly2: As for that, how would we...errmmm, "produce" our offspring? :ahh::scratch2:
I guess the resellers would be hated forever when they try to sell used condoms. And if you knock up some girl ava, then we would need a new proffesion since we cannot have pregnant women running around shooting and mining. So maybe Nesting is the way to go? And since we allready have PA I would say the kindergarden is allready in place ;)
crazy idea simply crazy.. I not having no baby pop out of my bum.

if every new avatar that was introduced into EU was done in this method then all new people would have too start off as a child/baby and mother/father would be randomly selected by MA you had the choice too accept this roll. basically you becoem there mentor till they are old enough too leave home.

getting too much like RL for me, I got one kid and thats enough.
What about, if the men got pregnant, now thats a far better more intresting idea,


Now there's a hell of an idea... Make the male avas swell and have morning sickness and complain of muscle aches and sore breasts and the whole nine yards. Sounds like a plan to me.

On a more serious note, I am unsure why you would want a pregnant ava... And your assumption that all girls and most men would be happy about it seems grossly inaccurate. Contrary to popular belief, not all women want kids, much like not all men like sports. I think that pregnant avatars would be a monumental pain in the ass, especially since avas can't have sex. There would have to be some sort of random spontaneous generation of pregnant avas which is ridiculous. Anyway, I'm only saying that perhaps you didn't think this through.
Talk to you soon,
Isn't there enough whining noobs in EU already? You want more of them? :scratch2:

Buying (L) pampers at TP :silly:

:duh: We missed bigdeal's virtual Condoms .. (I assume (L))

Off course, ever seen IRL NON (L) condoms :D
(and now i got a nasty thought, better not to speak outload, something to do with cheawing gums:rolleyes:)
