Investing in MindArk and Project Entropia

I am a Accociate member of BRIDG Investment clubb!

:) You can also be a member, more info:
and here is a more detailed info about BRIDGE

If you have any questions plese contact me.

As a member you get points on all members how open a account or bying shares. These points can be transfered to real money.

Any questions?
I like the last line of the article best.

"The trick is not to let your bridge turn into a pier."

So this is going to hopefully lead to larger investment in exchange for cheap ipo pricing. Good luck to MA and the investors. Lets hope it turns into something great.

And whats with the pyramid member recruiting tactic? .. =/
I am a Accociate member of Investment clubb!

Svetlana said:
Good find to you too Dark :girl: Thx for linking that...
so Bridge is what I suspected.... those between the company's private and public strata, who can somehow manage to "invest" in a company b4 it's gone public.

You can also be a member, more info:
and here is a more detailed info about BRIDGE

If you have any questions plese contact me.

As a member you get points on all members how open a account or bying shares. These points can be transfered to real money.

Any questions or do you need help on how to be a member?
okay so I stand corrected, it's not a hired poster.... it's a bot! :eek:
lmao who neg repped the bridge bot! :laugh:

nice to see more info coming in too :)
gurkha said:
lmao who neg repped the bridge bot! :laugh:

nice to see more info coming in too :)

I did... :confused:
Is there anyone else who finds it strange that there has been no word form any mindark official, or on their webpage about this at all. No news in any news sources (not that _I_ have looked for any). The bridge PDFs mention, but this page redirects to the PE-page. (You'd think it would be in MAs interest to set up a corporate page if they were indeed looking for investors :confused: )

Is all this prelude to some elaborate scam or perhaps an attemt to make MA look bad?? (by an competitor or disgruntled player perhaps)

Not attempting to start any shit/rumors, but i must admit this whole case looks stranger by the minute...
Hansi said:
Is there anyone else who finds it strange that there has been no word form any mindark official

You have to remember the community rep is on vacation...

yup, for me too it seems that Marco and the others has returned, if not last monday, then this one for sure...
Well then, they better hurry up and post so that the community knows they care. Stroking the ego of spoiled children is a necessity I suppose.

BTW, my apologies for not tracking the movements of the MA staff so dilligently as to know the exact minute of their return. I seem to have gotten my life priorities all mixed up again.

Devil Doll said:
BTW, my apologies for not tracking the movements of the MA staff so dilligently as to know the exact minute of their return.

I just checked before i wrote the other post ;)
If you all were at the house competition ceremony... you may have seen me talking to Marco about what I knew. He kept telling me he wasn't allowed to comment anymore on the subject :laugh:
Milkey said:
If you all were at the house competition ceremony... you may have seen me talking to Marco about what I knew. He kept telling me he wasn't allowed to comment anymore on the subject :laugh:
and what you had say... what was that subject ?
Hansi said:
Is there anyone else who finds it strange that there has been no word form any mindark official, or on their webpage about this at all. No news in any news sources (not that _I_ have looked for any). The bridge PDFs mention, but this page redirects to the PE-page. (You'd think it would be in MAs interest to set up a corporate page if they were indeed looking for investors :confused: )

Is all this prelude to some elaborate scam or perhaps an attemt to make MA look bad?? (by an competitor or disgruntled player perhaps)

Not attempting to start any shit/rumors, but i must admit this whole case looks stranger by the minute...

A MA Corporate page is in the works.
Marco|MindArk said:
A MA Corporate page is in the works.

ah cool!

ive got an idea about what a corporate page is but got to know for sure. someone enlighten me please :)
Marco|MindArk said:
A MA Corporate page is in the works.

Normally those are made BEFORE people are "allowed" to invest big cash.

Am I the only one who thinks Mindarks value of 205million SEK is to much?
Pretender said:
ah cool!

ive got an idea about what a corporate page is but got to know for sure. someone enlighten me please :)

A corporate page will be a website dedicated to the company MindArk. Right now they only have a website dedicated to the game PE.

Devil Doll said:
A corporate page will be a website dedicated to the company MindArk. Right now they only have a website dedicated to the game PE.




now hopefully they do some other things too.
(improve stuff like: auction as in armor sets sale, a possibility to devide F and M armor, a possibility to devide generics from filled chips, a possibility to devide estates/land areas/apartments)
Pretender said:


now hopefully they do some other things too.
(improve stuff like: auction as in armor sets sale, a possibility to devide F and M armor, a possibility to devide generics from filled chips, a possibility to devide estates/land areas/apartments)

Possibility to sell full sets of armour, not just parts, I *really* want that :(
Devil Doll said:
Well then, they better hurry up and post so that the community knows they care. Stroking the ego of spoiled children is a necessity I suppose.

BTW, my apologies for not tracking the movements of the MA staff so dilligently as to know the exact minute of their return. I seem to have gotten my life priorities all mixed up again.


You are just a breath of positivity in all your posts DD.
Epictetus said:
You are just a breath of positivity in all your posts DD.

I am glad you think so. It makes me feel good to know I can effect things and reach people in a positive way. :D

Back the the subject of the thread though...

It will be very interesting to hear what comes of these "road show" meetings with MA. I would be very interested in hearing what they have to say as well as what the response will be.

Thanks for the negative rep DD, but I didn't do anything to deserve it. The way you sarcastically attack everyone in this forum is pathetic.
Epictetus said:
Thanks for the negative rep DD, but I didn't do anything to deserve it. The way you sarcastically attack everyone in this forum is pathetic.

Please try to stay on topic. There are many many threads where you can go jump on the 'Boo Hoo DD negative repped me' bandwagon if you wish.

As for this topic. As I have said above, if nothing else, what comes of investors putting money into MindArk will surely be interesting. I would love to see the shares go public. Heck, I may buy some if they don't strike at too high a price.

Well I set up an interview with Skam and Silverfox... so hopefully in a few days everyone questions will be answered (about the investments and other things :D )
Milkey said:
Well I set up an interview with Skam and Silverfox... so hopefully in a few days everyone questions will be answered (about the investments and other things :D )

well done! some more info on this can't hurt :)
Milkey said:
Well I set up an interview with Skam and Silverfox... so hopefully in a few days everyone questions will be answered (about the investments and other things :D )

you still dont reply to my question :

Milkey said:
If you all were at the house competition ceremony... you may have seen me talking to Marco about what I knew. He kept telling me he wasn't allowed to comment anymore on the subject :laugh:

you wrote this at least 2 time.
so now , say clair and loud what you have say that day.
you are so proud about what you know , and you write you know something so mutch , i think you have to write what you know....
when you say A you have to say B.
Didn't see your question... PM's are always nice too. Just read the interview coming up (or join my ventrilo server and hear it from the man who knows it best :D silverfox... )
Milkey said:
Didn't see your question... PM's are always nice too. Just read the interview coming up (or join my ventrilo server and hear it from the man who knows it best :D silverfox... )

i use PM when i am not shure , or when the subject is something that the persone dont whant it write in big in forum,or when the subject can turn in flamewar.

but here that something you are very proud and write as mutch as you can.

PM way is not good for me , you are the one that speack about that subject a lot.

i dont whant to know what is in the intervieuw before evryone , i whant you say what you say that day for the ceremony.

you speak a lot about it...
so now write it , and dont run to hidde behind crap excuse.