Is there a list of all the freebie holiday gifts since the beginning?



Apr 21, 2007
Auction room somewhere...
Avatar Name
Maria Mesh
Holiday Party Pad - Omegaton West Habitat, Delta, 8H

We moved! The Holiday Party Pad is now in Omegaton West Habitat Delta Tower, Apartment 8H. Moved it down to this apartment since there's a few more item points here. I still have 15E though, and it is the home of the Lost Library...

The Holiday Party Pad is located at Omegaton West Habitat, Delta Tower, Apartment 15 E. It is an apartment that has just about every holiday item Calypso has had since the beginning alongside a few nice little rugs that have been arranged as a dance floor.

Here's a few pics. I'm always redecorating my apartments, so never know what it'll look like on any given day, but here's what it looks like today:

Is there a list of all the freebie holiday gifts since the beginning? If not, lets use this thread to make that list. :)

I've started putting some holiday stuff in my apartment and it'll be a bit of a museum/party place, and am wondering what all holiday stuff is out there that was before my time as an estate owner.

(Apartment is Omegaton West Habitat, Delta Tower, 15 E)

Here's what I've found in entropedia so far:
Angelic Wings Both Wings 1 10.97 PED 24.53 PED Gift
Autumn Batik Shirt Both Shirt 1 40.71 PED 23.34 PED
Bat Wings Both Wings 1 7.20 PED 8.04 PED Halloween Gift 2007
Calypso Elf Shoes Both Shoes 1 0.91 PED 1.08 PED Xmas Gift 2009
Christmas Advent Candlestick Candle 0 1.54 PED Xmas Gift 2005
Christmas Cloth Carpet 0 1.91 PED Xmas Gift 2005
Christmas Fireworks Handheld 0 50.18 PED Xmas Gift
Christmas Garland Misc 0 1.46 PED Xmas Gift 2006
Christmas Lantern Candle 0.01 1.03 PED Xmas Gift 2008
Christmas Red flower Handheld 0.01 9.53 PED Xmas Gift
Christmas Reindeer Lamp 0.01 1.15 PED gift
Christmas Star Misc 0 9.27 PED Xmas Gift 2005
Christmas Yellow flower Handheld 0.01 11.89 PED Xmas Gift
Evil Skull Facemask Both Hats 1 14.57 PED 16.52 PED

First Official Christmas Tree Plant 1 0 278.30 PED Xmas Gift 2003
First Wave Colonist Beret Both Hats 1 8.92 PED 7.91 PED MA Gift 2008
Grand Christmas Fireworks Handheld 0 91.40 PED Xmas Gift
Gullaldr Shades Both Shades 0.5 5.21 PED 3.97 PED VU10 Gift
Horns - Small Bull Horns 1 1.45 PED 1.79 PED Halloween Gift 2008
Jolly Christmas Facemask Both Hats 1 289.11 PED 162.37 PED Xmas Gift 2002
Jolly Christmas Hat Both Hats 1 12.27 PED 19.64 PED Xmas Gift 2007
Jolly Christmas Mittens Both Gloves 1 2.81 PED 3.69 PED Xmas Gift 2007

Jolly Christmas Pants Both Pants 1 138.65 PED 117.66 PED Xmas Gift 2002
Jolly Christmas Shirt Both Shirt 1 177.00 PED 144.25 PED Xmas Gift 2002
Linguistic Vacation Shorts Both Shorts 23 161.46 PED 238.50 PED
Linguistic Vacation T-Shirt Both Shirt 19 216.80 PED 254.27 PED
Scary Pumpkin Facemask Both Hats 1 2.51 PED 1.87 PED
Skeleton Pants Both Pants 1 6.21 PED 11.49 PED Halloween Gift 2010
Skeleton Shirt Both Shirt 1 6.20 PED 6.93 PED
totembloss (or however you spell it)

spider doll
wraped gift
candy cane
heart shaped pillow

Santa Statue - Xmas Gift 2004

Fluffy Bunny Ears - 2011 Easter (hunting loot)

Energetic Bunny - 2009 Easter

Calypso snow man
Jack lantern

araneatrox dolls

Hitch-hikers Towel

First Golden Christmas Decoration Misc 0.01 73.37 PED Xmas Gift 2002

The bolded ones are the ones that I've either gotten through gifts myself or purchased. I'm actually wearing some of the stuff on my avatar now, but will eventually put it up in the apartment.

Plan on maybe eventually buying most of this stuff for the apartment as it'll be a bit of a museum. If you want to donate or sell some of what I don't have, give me a hollar. I'm pretty pedless now, but will be making regular monthly deposits going fowards. I already have one male manniquen in the apartment. I'll probably add a female eventually too...

I'm guessing the linguistic stuff is for those that helped with the translations... Might skip out on putting those in the estate since that was not a real holiday thing.

Is there more gifts out there that you know of? What are they?

I'll add to above list as more replies are added.

--- - Maria's Melee Market! - Maria's Free Blueprint Library 'the Lost Library' - Holiday Party Pad, apartment 15 E in Delta Tower
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spider doll
wraped gift
candy cane
heart shaped pillow
Is there more? I did some shopping last night on auction. Still have a few more things to get on the list though.

Was somewhat surprised in looking at entropedia to find that goth candle is looted and was not a Halloween thing.
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gothic candles were looted, and you could also get gothic candle ME from mentorship..
tombletoss are actually 3 different ones
What holiday/event was the Autumn Batik Shirt from?

Since Valentine's Day is almost hear, I'll just put this word out - Don't TT your free gifts! I'll buy em at TT price, and maybe sometimes more from now on (if I have the peds)... Thinking about maybe putting a shopkeeper in this little apt. for this type of specialty items down the road.
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Linguistic Vacation Shorts Both Shorts 23 161.46 PED 238.50 PED
Linguistic Vacation T-Shirt Both Shirt 19 216.80 PED 254.27 PED

wasn't a general gift. they come for the translation help of the EU client. Did not know which year... maybe 2008?

as far as i know ..the autumn shirt was a free gift for patricians of a survey after a fashion contest in New Oxford
What holiday/event was the Autumn Batik Shirt from?

It was a reward for answering a survey for the people who was present during 2009 or 2010 miss calypso padgent.
redecorated the apartment tonight. Now we got a bar installed (still no beer though :( )
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You're missing the champagne bottle (I forget the proper name of the item) which I believe was a Christmas gift in 2006, and the Santa Statue which was from 2004.

Entropedia has some of the info you're missing about where these came from, and possibly some other items. Start from Miscellaneous under the Items menu and check the Source fields.
lol it's so amusing for us swedes watching you guys spell tomtebloss :D fyi tomte = santa (could also refer to one of santas helpers) and bloss well no idea where it's originaly from but now days it's usally when you step out for a smoke
Don't think u have these on the list:

Jack o lantern
Calypso Snowman
as far as i know ..the autumn shirt was a free gift for patricians of a survey after a fashion contest in New Oxford

Thats correct! I made this survey and got this Shirt, but i also found that not everybody got the invite to this survey, so this is not really a gift from MA, because only a small group of players got the opportunity to do this survey. (At least thats what i remember ;))
still need jolly Christmas shirt and facemask (f) eventually.... slowly things are coming together, a heck of a lot faster then I was expecting (although I'm paying a little markup, lol)... ah well, I'm out of peds pretty much for a while til the rent refund rolls in or I deposit again or sell some stuff. Was surprised I had enough ped to cover costs on tonight's purchase - luckily signs have high tt values. ;) May not get the facemask since females really don't need facial hair. :)

Probably won't pick up fireworks since they are L with outrageous markup, but may change my mind eventually.

Might do a massive sell off of blueprints but not sure I want to do that or hold em so I have some as "filler items" to keep the shop slots full when I am low on peds like today, lol.
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this year's box of chocolate is now on the tron tower in the apartment! :)
GL getting the F facemask.. it's super rare.
There are three different types of bloss thingies... once I log in I can confirm for sure as I have two sets of them... its regular one. Deluxe and .....I can't remember the other. But they were given for free, if you owned an estate and if you deposited. All three being different for the different scenarios explained previously.. :)

There are three different types of bloss thingies... once I log in I can confirm for sure as I have two sets of them... its regular one. Deluxe and .....I can't remember the other. But they were given for free, if you owned an estate and if you deposited. All three being different for the different scenarios explained previously.. :)


The Superior 'Bloss of course!


Yea I think it was that.. :scratch2: I can't recall though..


I know, I know, a lot of this is just RT enmatter, not real holiday stuff, but what holiday celebration is complete without a few alcoholic beverages?

Oh, and fluffy bunny ears were recently added to the mannequin. I still have to get him a few more clothes someday and find him a partner or two someday to join him in the 24/7 festivities.
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I also miss the
Calypso snow man
Jack lantern

on the list..
Worn Doll - Was it looted or a gift ?

I also miss the
Calypso snow man
Jack lantern

on the list..

good thing I got them in the apartment. ;)

Worn Doll - Was it looted or a gift ?
I think it's looted, or at least that's what entropedia says.
Worn Doll - Was it looted or a gift ?

that worn doll was looted.

interesting. an old composite picture of me and my chair by the window of my apartment. where did you get it? must have been taken before I left the bottle of crystal there beside the doll.

ah, it was one of donald's pictures...
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Nice list gl completing it :D
Hey what ever happened to Donald?

one day, he just decided to pack and leave. he told me that it had nothing to do with the game but rather the behaviour and attitudes of some of the colonists.
one day, he just decided to pack and leave. he told me that it had nothing to do with the game but rather the behaviour and attitudes of some of the colonists.

Oh yeah I just remembered he left but never knew why. Well if he came back he would probably been dissapointed again by a lot of ppl!
Installed a 'bar' (kitchen bar) to the apartment last night (real bar looks better then the L-quent buried in the floor looked as bar), and moved most alcholic beverages over to it for now. Unfortunately that makes the table in the pic above now look a bit bare, so might have to come up with something to fix that in the future.

I got all the cocktails other then nirvana there at the moment (might buy that in the coming days), a can of moterhead beer, a silver and gold shaker (still not exactly sure what that is used to craft since I don't think it's listed on entropedia?), and a flask over at the bar. I might buy some champagne to go in to the bar eventually. Any other suggestions on some beverages you'd like to see in the party pad? ;) :)

I might buy a second bar to extend the size of the one that's there now so that the bar is not as crowded as it is currently, but am not exactly sure about that since I'm not sure if it'll still look like a 'bar' if two kitchen bars are next to one another as I suspect that they might look more like a desk then a bar?

The bartender looks a bit gay with his bunny ears, angel wings, and jolly christmas mittens, lol.

Eventually I'll probably install some more manniquen pads to keep him company, but there's no rush on that at the moment.