Khorum Coast on Austin TX news!

Jan 24, 2022

This YouTube video may not be region locked, I am not sure.

So, I know I mentioned it in the past how I believe sometimes as players we need to take it upon ourselves to help grow the community and player base of the game we love. Well I truly mean that, getting the word out about Entropia is extremely vital! This is just a start of things for me, I plan to keep pushing and get the word out about Entropia as much as possible. There is no reason we can't be that crazy Sci fi game that takes over the future hahaha

It is so strange to me that there has never been a single advertisement or mention of this wonderful game anywhere I have seen in the USA. There should be commercials on YouTube at the very least but I could understand that marketing a game world wide is hard.

So as players let's come together and help spread the word too. I had decided to contact my local news station I'm Austin Texas and tell them about what I had done investing into Khorum Coast. I didn't really imagine they would be interested in making a story but I had hopes. Anyways, a few weeks go by and they decide to do an interview!

Now I know some of the facts didn't come across 100% the way I tried to explain them to the reporter. I don't blame them, this game is complicated to understand but it got the word out about Entropia in front of potentially thousands of new players and that was my overall goal anyways!

You may have to use a VPN to view the page if it is region locked. I had no idea that would have been a thing just for this until I tried to share it with a player last night. I suppose since it is on a news channel?

Also, before the comments start rolling in. I know I am one ugly guy and I was nervous with a giant spotlight in my face. It truly amazes me that I have a wife lol.

EDIT - 7/16/22

I have had my second news interview about Entropia released. This reporter claims to have a larger reach and audience so hopefully the word gets out even further!

Crystal MJ Diamond messaged me this morning and brought it to my attention that my story has made it all the way to Polish media also!

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We need more of this.

This is what MindArk expected Planet Partners to do with their signup links to bring in their own planet born players.

Glad to see someone taking initiative!
Hell yeah, thank you all for the support! I half feared the trolls would come out of hiding when I shared the story on here hahaha.

I was also contacted by another reporter because of the first story and I will be doing another Entropia interview on Thursday the 7th. It may take a few weeks for that video and article to come out though.
Well I found a YouTube video of the news story and hoping that it won't be region locked. I am adding it to the main post. If this doesn't work it was suggested that I make a reaction video and post it on my own channel.

Also here are some things I think that got lost in translation between me answering questions and what was put out there:

At the time of this videos recording it was costing $60 or 600 peds of fertilizer per month at Khorum Coast, not per year. Fertilizer has since went up to about $100 or 1k peds.

I have not made $1200 or 12k peds profit on the ped card from KC. That was how many peds the land has generated, that doesn't account for fertilizer, event expenses and splitting the land with shares to the players. My actual take home so far from KC is close to about $500 or 5k peds so far after all expenses on my end for these 3 months. Still not too bad but it could have been better; I have made some costly mistakes on DNA and events as I learn how to do this.
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They are so normies lol. Like when you tell a guy first time about Entropia and he will say you can't get the money out, cuz "he knows how things work".
I don't know how can anyone suffer redditors. Hats off to you if you can. The msot annoying and toxic environment online.
Great job :) Something nice and positive for a change.
Reading the comments, very ignorant people xD

Ignorant yes, but id think it would be a safe assumption to guess the majority of people who read that, and see it. Have _never_ heard of entropia.

Their only referance in online games where "real money is involved" is Crypto and NFT games, which have had a dicy shit start for the very few that are legit, but most of those operate out of tax haven countries and run business models that are delibarete scams. And the people behind can get away with it because untracable so they just vanish from the face of earth at a certain point. so in that regard, the commenters are not necessarily ignorant but rather basing it on the reality they know that is horrendous if we're honest.

But whenever i speak about EU to people, i always compare it to traveling abroad and visiting another country. you exchange real fiat to the games currency. Stuff has taxes and what not and should you ever wish to exchange money back, nothing stops you and its done through actuall banking systems and not a crypto holder in malta.

good fun though, and good seeing the news cast not mentioning NFT's or crypto at all or even comparing it! (y)

Now on the other side, i tried playing EU with my controller and it did not work. Is there a way to get that working, should it work out of the box, or is it just a ye olde "sir hold a controller so it looks like you're gaming" trick? :p playing with a controller would be more chill when feeling lazy
When I get home tonight I can sit down and tell you the program I use for sure with the Xbox controller. I think it is something called antimacro or antimicro
I know yall don’t like reddit, but here are the reactions from the article hitting front page on the technology subreddit. Should just be able to click the link

Like they say any press is good press. I know it’s been migration, but my stream has been getting newer players and players interested in playing and learning more about the game.

Which is definitely awesome, because more players mean more friends and more friends means I won’t be lonely shooting snablesnots!

Nice work. There's been a bit of player-driven media in the past (mostly in the very early days) but I'm not sure if anything's ever got on TV anywhere, even on a local channel. Print and online media, yes. I've tried to get interest from UK media for some of the things I did in the past, but never had any joy.
There has been so much buzz about this, I had hoped it would grow into something but I never imagined it would be this big so fast! I have heard reports of new players coming in because some guy put this on Tiktok too.

If we are starting a new wave of colonization in Entropia than we as players need to try and help the newcomers along in the game as much as we can. I am not asking anyone to share your ped card but please share your knowledge and help steer some of these new players the right way. We could have thousands of potential new players in our universe and if we want EU to stick around to compete with this "metaverse" stuff than colonization is vital!

I am going to keep on pushing on still. I am trying to get in contact with Forbes, Wallstreet and Game Informer. In the meantime it sounds like I may have another news thing in the pipeline.

I wish I had some professional EU merchandise to wear to this kind of thing but I do have some ties I could wear. If anyone reading this has some photoshop skills and could help make me a Khorum Coast logo and shirt design please let me know! Also, I will make sure to redecorate before the next reporter is at my house on Thursday. The anime pillow my wife has on the couch was do distracting hahaha.

I don't mind doing what I can to be a voice for the game but if anyone else wants to help spread the word in their way too, please do! This has shown what can be done and now we wonder why we don't advertise this thing ourselves if MA isn't doing it to our liking, we are invested in this game too!

I am just some weird guy who works at Walmart and put everything he owns into the game which may be foolish in the end, who knows. I know however that there are some of you out there with way better investments and stories to tell than mine. I would love to hear about them, let's get the word out even more!
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Which is definitely awesome, because more players mean more friends and more friends means I won’t be lonely shooting snablesnots!

This is why i wanted to and try to stream a bit too, my knowledge of the game is poor these days as there are so many changes that came during my last break its more a new game than ever.

but hanging around in your stream, and others one gets a lot of info that is helpfull. And when i stream at least i can be authentic in the way of showing new people what its like being a little clueless at a lower mid lvl.

There has been so much buzz about this, I had hoped it would grow into something but I never imagined it would be this big so fast! I have heard reports of new players coming in because some guy put this on Tiktok too.

If we are starting a new wave of colonization in Entropia than we as players need to try and help the newcomers along in the game as much as we can. I am not asking anyone to share your ped card but please share your knowledge and help steer some of these new players the right way. We could have thousands of potential new players in our universe and if we want EU to stick around to compete with this "metaverse" stuff than colonization is vital!

I am going to keep on pushing on still. I am trying to get in contact with Forbes, Wallstreet and Game Informer. In the meantime it sounds like I may have another news thing in the pipeline.

I wish I had some professional EU merchandise to wear to this kind of thing but I do have some ties I could wear. If anyone reading this has some photoshop skills and could help make me a Khorum Coast logo and shirt design please let me know! Also, I will make sure to redecorate before the next reporter is at my house on Thursday. The anime pillow my wife has on the couch was do distracting hahaha.

I don't mind doing what I can to be a voice for the game but if anyone else wants to help spread the word in their way too, please do! This has shown what can be done and now we wonder why we don't advertise this thing ourselves if MA isn't doing it to our liking, we are invested in this game too!

EU falls in a odd spot in the gaming industrial engine which is why it doesn't get to much light i think. Neither EU the game itself, the players playing it, MindArk, or anyone would gain much if the game had a mass influx of very young people jumping in to play or have kids play. So i think its more because of that that being the reason why its not really advertised.

EU has RCE and money, its features are investements and things where you can't just do things like a normal game. Just like Second Life another rce game i've never seen advertised, (even if they tried) sells and runs on... well, "adult entertainment" which also goes in the same of you dont want kids under 18 to suddenly rush in and "oh look new game". two games that are core similar in RCE, and aimed at well, not kids. but sell on different things.

most MMO sites do talk about these games though when there are talk about new bigchanges, so when UE5 rolls in there will guaranteed be more mentions in general media about it. (media being mmorpg sites not huge networks)
This is why i wanted to and try to stream a bit too, my knowledge of the game is poor these days as there are so many changes that came during my last break its more a new game than ever.

but hanging around in your stream, and others one gets a lot of info that is helpfull. And when i stream at least i can be authentic in the way of showing new people what its like being a little clueless at a lower mid lvl.
Yeah I mean whatever brings awareness to the game. Although I don't stream for awareness to the game, I stream because I hate typing more than anything on earth lmao.
Great job Joker, MA sign him up.

Also just fucking lol to Reddit
I have another reporter curious about Entropia and they will be at my house in 4 hours. At least I had advance notice for a day or two to prepare, the last interview was almost instant. I will make sure that my wife's anime pillow is nowhere in sight. hahahaha

Awesome! Good luck!

By the way, there are Entropia T-shirts and such available through the EU merchandise shop. Shipping might take a while though.
Also, before the comments start rolling in. I know I am one ugly guy and I was nervous with a giant spotlight in my face. It truly amazes me that I have a wife lol.
Dude one Reddit chick thinks your better than her whoring, drug addicted husband. Plus I think you said your hitched already. Only way is up from there. Pretty good start i reckon. hehe.
Great stuff! Glad to see this. KC was the one offering back profit sharing too right?

I have to ask though @David Joker Potanus what is your solution for Joy pad input? I have my own, but interested to know your approach too.