Merry Mayhem Update

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Entropia News Fetcher
Jul 26, 2006
A very small number of participants in the Merry Mayhem event were affected by the unexpected server maintenance early this morning. We apologize for this inconvenience, and will ensure that ample warnings will be provided for any future maintenance or downtime during the event.

In cases like this one which affect multiple event participants, MindArk and the Planet Calypso teams will investigate and adjust the final event scores for affected participants accordingly for the time lost, based on the average score per hour achieved during the remainder of the event.

Those participants affected today should submit a support case with as much information as possible about the interrupted instance, including: full avatar name, event category, time when the instance was started, and any other relevant information that will help in verifying the claim.
In order to qualify for a score adjustment under this policy, a participant must complete all other instances which were unaffected by issues related to the Entropia Universe server or instance uptime. If a participant has unused event instance keys at the end of the event, that participant’s score will not be adjusted.

Note that claims for event score adjustments will only be granted for issues that affect multiple participants, and which are caused by general server issues or outages from MindArk’s side. Individual client connection issues (user ISP outages, computer crashes, etc.) are not covered under this policy, and will not be reimbursed. Please do not submit support cases for such issues, as they cannot be honored and scores will not be adjusted, nor will replacement instance keys be issued.

This policy aims to make the event as fair as possible for everyone involved, while minimizing the impact and frustration for those affected by unexpected or unforeseeable server issues.

Best of luck in Merry Mayhem!!

Originally Posted Here
Well you made up my mind regarding trying mayhem this year... thanks.
Months to test it and again you screwd... Why change what was great?

You will never learn MA.....

BTW part of those bugs are due to the STUPID idea to place instance gate in the most lagged place of EU, Twin Peaks.... I always need to relog inside instance before timer start when i enter it, or i will crash in the middle of it.

Keep the good work MA

They have geared it for the wider audience.

The MM system is good, what lets it down is the high costs to kill mobs at any level.

Newbies and people with limited budgets have no chance.
Months to test it and again you screwd... Why change what was great?

You will never learn MA.....
Because a lot of people complained that without a huge bankroll you couldn't compete in MM without a huge team and they wanted a fair shot for solo hunters. :scratch2:

Could be why. This is really the only way to make a solo portion for the event.

People are never satisfied or want more no matter what they are given.
The MM system is good, what lets it down is the high costs to kill mobs at any level.

Newbies and people with limited budgets have no chance.
All year long Calypso has been hosting low level hunting events where anyone could win. Every event does not need to be that way. Mayhem has always been about who is willing to spend the most to win.
All year long Calypso has been hosting low level hunting events where anyone could win. Every event does not need to be that way. Mayhem has always been about who is willing to spend the most to win.

Yeah, one of the biggest events of the year is MM.

They have different categories for each level group, so you can only ever win within your level. Unless you really want to waste the transaction costs on chipping out or in to hit the next levels to that.

MM is an event for every user group, and in fact only one of the major events where anyone can actually win and take part.

Of the top of my head I can only remember, Migration, which is not for new players. Robot event things, which again was not for the newer players.

I think this is where the problem lies, for the lower cat, whoever can spend the most, again unfortunately Eu seems to be heading down the road to whoever has the biggest wallet wins, which nothing wrong with that, if your willing to invest you should be the best.

They need to make and segregate the player base a bit more, in order to retain newer casual gamers.

Unless MA do not want casual games, maybe they want this to be a so call prestige game, although then it would again have to lose about 95% of the player base.

I want this game to survive and we can only hope MA/PP read what we post on these forums.

I think for the first week or 2 the new updated MM will lead for more players taking part, more cash being cycled than ever before in a MM. Better for the EU economy as a whole.

After this it will refer back to the older out of date system, with a few survivors of MM.

EU is changing and we can see who the big rollers or dropping out.

I still have faith in Eu going towards the bigger market, and this event kinda proves that.


Good Job MA, keep up the work, but you could as always make a cheaper system for the players and thus make great profits from expanding player base.

Back on topic,

Its good that MA are doing something about the people who lost out due to the sever.

A bit of a shame how they have gone about making sure you get those missed points :S
There was also the Argo event and the feffoid event. One lucky hof and it could have been a cheap win. Plus with the way the prizes were distributed people who spent little and got the 100th valued loot won a prize.

Merry mayhem should stay as the one event for the high rollers who want to win unique prizes. I've never really been able to participate because I know I'm not on that budget. Maybe one year I'll be able to :) hopefully by that time there won't be bugs in the system.
Well I like the new MM more than the old one, eventhough im screwed cuz most dps wins :eek:) But its a step in the right direction! MM landscape looks nice as well, who cares if they need to update, shit happends...
Ok then tell me WHY there were were some T1 Kerbs in my T3 team zone last night???

I know you like to do anything you can to fuck me, MA, but this is just BS that I have to spend time killing T1 mobs that don't give me credit because it spawns on me and aggro'ed.
Wow, didn't see this coming.
WTG, good move MA!
Ok then tell me WHY there were were some T1 Kerbs in my T3 team zone last night???

I know you like to do anything you can to fuck me, MA, but this is just BS that I have to spend time killing T1 mobs that don't give me credit because it spawns on me and aggro'ed.

I'm sorry about that, it appears that one of the 30 creatures were forgotten when the IDs were changed from T1 to T3. We won't be able to fix this before the event is over however it shouldn't affect the outcome too much since everyone who runs the instance have identical spawns.
I'm sorry about that, it appears that one of the 30 creatures were forgotten when the IDs were changed from T1 to T3. We won't be able to fix this before the event is over however it shouldn't affect the outcome too much since everyone who runs the instance have identical spawns.

All I can say is wow.... :scratch2:
Great news I was just testing it out for 10-20 mins or so before I went shopping - now I will received 1hrs credit and lots of peds saved!!!
I'm sorry about that, it appears that one of the 30 creatures were forgotten when the IDs were changed from T1 to T3. We won't be able to fix this before the event is over however it shouldn't affect the outcome too much since everyone who runs the instance have identical spawns.

Ok...I give..if you guys do test like you did it get "forgotton" :rolleyes:
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Great news I was just testing it out for 10-20 mins or so before I went shopping - now I will received 1hrs credit and lots of peds saved!!!

If you were in for 20 mins, it seems you will get 40 mins credit, not 1hr.

Except perhaps if you had spent the 20 mins trying to kill one mob.

There might have been someone who had nearly killed a boss mob; I expect they will want compensation of that whole time, and indeed the wasted Peds (which is not mentioned in the announcement).
Wow, didn't see this coming.
WTG, good move MA!

aye, good to see a helpfull responce to an issue, communicated quickly too.

point raised by Garco, why on earth place the entrance in Twin? im sure the actual instance are on a seperate server, but creating more load to this already busy server cant be helpful, shirley?
Kim (since you are watching this thread)

On my 7th key I had a bugged S3 instance (6-7am this morning UTC), only one loot box opened for all mobs killed.(no messages this creature didn't have any loot).

76 x eye oil (3.80 ped)
1 x output amp component (0.40 ped)

Loot 4.20 peds
Ammo 400 ish
Repairs 60 ped.

mobs killed: ton of spiders, 1 x boss, 1 x kerb

I've submitted a support case, although is it safe to start another instance, or do i have to sit around until resolved?
In other words will going hunting of any sorts, make the situation worse?

I don't really want to be parked doing nothing for the entire weekend.


I am glad I have never been a participant in the merry mayhem event

way too much mayhem (with bugs, people fighting with eachother etc) for me :)

subscribing however, interesting read.

Sucks to see that some people have been affected really hard by bugs :S
Loot box? What Loot Box? Do you mean the Yulebot?

Got me confused as well, was thinking i was looking for storage boxes like you get at the end of an instance :)
I am glad I have never been a participant in the merry mayhem event

way too much mayhem (with bugs, people fighting with eachother etc) for me :)

subscribing however, interesting read.

Sucks to see that some people have been affected really hard by bugs :S

I've done 8 now, and too be fair it's worked very well, apart from the zero loot glitch this morning. Some nice globals on the other MM instances to keep ticking over. I hope MA can resolve that one issue soon, and sure they will in good time. I'm concerned ofc that it might effect the ability to continue until sorted. hey ho!! crossing fingers.

I thought loot drops would catch up later as the time was ticking along, but it didn't happen, then got kicked to twin when the timer ran out.

You should have a go, I think for the majority MM is working well.


Ahh gotta love Merry Screw'em! Here are some stats to be proud of:

Cat 2 Solo

104.3 PED loot
305 PED cost of decay & ammo
Profit/Loss: 73 mobs killed, ~200 PED loss for a single 1 hour session, nothing in loot with any appreciable markup. Ahhhh yes....

I loved how MA balanced the decay scales in their favor by mass-spawning spiders all around me at least 3 times, eliminating any hope of economical hunting and incurring massive decay costs. Nice job!

Just sharing MM observations in case others are wondering what goes on. Your mileage probably WILL vary. It's hard to be as unlucky as me. :eyecrazy:
This is BS

This is plain BS. This event span over 1 month. I have 25 keys left. In the last 2 days i had 2 server (and i mean server) crashes at half the instance. Compensation was 1 PEC when i spent 1 PED at least to kill the creature nad not able to loot it because the server crashed. And how I will remember in 20 days (when i will have spent all my keys) the hour and day of the server crash, and this is the second crash in a row. I have to make an excel file and make a note on every server crash because MA can't do their job? This is a REAL CASH ECONOMY GAME, and we are loosing real money because somebody can't do their job. In the case of a simple game this will not be a problem (well loosing virtual money is not a big problem for me), but when we loose real money because the server are unstable, well, this is plain stealing and BS.
Ahh gotta love Merry Screw'em! Here are some stats to be proud of:

Cat 2 Solo

104.3 PED loot
305 PED cost of decay & ammo
Profit/Loss: 73 mobs killed, ~200 PED loss for a single 1 hour session, nothing in loot with any appreciable markup. Ahhhh yes....

I loved how MA balanced the decay scales in their favor by mass-spawning spiders all around me at least 3 times, eliminating any hope of economical hunting and incurring massive decay costs. Nice job!

Just sharing MM observations in case others are wondering what goes on. Your mileage probably WILL vary. It's hard to be as unlucky as me. :eyecrazy:

Well if you pay attention to the spawn pattern, you would know exactly where to position yourself to ensure you are not mobbed :)
Lol...Kyrismastarsong neg repped me for my report of a bug on page 2 of this thread because she said I got "lots of nice loot" Here is her exact quote: <removed>

So just remember, if a bug interferes with your gameplay, you have no right to talk about it if you got some "nice" loot in the past, even if you paid for those loots 5x over, according to <removed> Kyrisma.
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