MindArk can't fix this?


Jun 4, 2005
Michigan, USA
Dark Templar
Avatar Name
Jenna "Star" Mercury
05 Jul 2007 You wrote:
Dear MindArk Support Representative,

A society mate in Menace to Society, the society I currently lead, was removed from our society due to inactivity. It shows him as suspended due to the tax that he was receiving from the previous Land Grab. Our society is no longer receiving any tax; I'd like to have him removed from our society entirely (not just suspended). Please help with this. Thanks.

06 Jul 2007 Entropia Support:

You should be able to remove him from your society using the society terminal.

Entropia Support.

07 Jul 2007 You wrote:
I removed, but now it says suspended. There is no way to remove him entirely from our society atm. The player being removed is Tazz Tazz Erit. Please remove him entirely from our society. Thanks.

09 Jul 2007 Entropia Support:

According to our system the avatar is still active. Try to contact him and ask him to leave the society, he can do that using the society terminal.

Entropia Support.

09 Jul 2007 You wrote:

He's never online when I am, and I don't have him on my Friend's List. Why should I have to contact someone that we booted from society? Can't you guys remove him? I removed him, so he should be out of society entirely, why isn't this possible?


Does this all seem a bit retarded to anyone else? I'm the leader of M2S and I'm not allowed to remove someone from society. Why in the sam fuck should I have to go look for someone in a society that I lead and ask them to leave it? If I want them gone, shouldn't I be allowed to remove them? If I can't remove them because of some MA bug, shouldn't MA be able to? They still haven't written back for 1 month since the last time I asked. Should this really take over 1 month to accomplish? LOL and notice where they say that "he can do that using the society terminal" ...like I as leader of society, player for 5 years hadn't thought of that? lol

On another note, anyone that has Tazz on FL please ask him to leave M2S the next time you see him (and tell him Star asked nicely - we're still friends). I had his phone number but it was on my laptop that I had to reinstall operating system after some bullshit virus.
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isn't it possible for you to add him again to your FL from the soc term?

maybe it is not possible after you booted him (or tried to), but at least, for regular members, you can add them to FL from the soc term.

MA should definitely be able to remove him...but why do they say he is active?? maybe he logs on for a few seconds every month or something and you just miss him when he does..Either way its insane that the leader cant boot people..
Star, there's one thing I don't understand in your support case

Our society is no longer receiving any tax

Which tax are your supposed to receive? LG ownership is now over since many months.

Take care,
Star, there's one thing I don't understand in your support case

Which tax are your supposed to receive? LG ownership is now over since many months.

Take care,
That is exactly his point. LG ownership is over for many months, but the now non existent Tax is preventing him kicking the member.
That is exactly his point. LG ownership is over for many months, but the now non existent Tax is preventing him kicking the member.

Oh, ok me dumb. Need coffee in the morning :silly2:
Star, there's one thing I don't understand in your support case

Which tax are your supposed to receive? LG ownership is now over since many months.

Take care,

I guess following happened.

Normal situation:
when you kick a member its kicked

Landgrab tweak:
kicking is not working for societies that were successful in the landgrab,
due to members that had to get taxes - this prevents the leader kicking all and having the money all alone

And even after the tax is not paid anymore and the area long since free again this tweak is still in place...
stupid actually as it should have been fairly easy to to reset that.

(argh I was much too slow)
I think I have tazz on fl but havnt seen him ingame for ages....and once again great work MA

add it to the pile :D

Give MA a break do u really still belive they are here to help u :yay:

they just here because of the money :eek:
I think I have tazz on fl but havnt seen him ingame for ages....and once again great work MA

I dont have Tazz on FL! But i saw him at Enchida during the Crater madness!
yeah Star that is retarded... and kinda BS.

What gets me though is MA should be well aware of how long you been around and how knowlegeable of EU you are to have support talk to you as if you were a noob freshly landed in PA.

Ma should fix this, its thier bug they need to deal with it and set things straight.

Nothing like not being able to excersise power and authority in wich you rightfully have.
Yeap gotta tell support from A ti Z or nothing will be done bout it.
Explain why he cannot be kicked (The LG and so on and that that no longer exist so he should be moved out of society)

Explain it completely sort of speak :). That usualy helps for me :)
In my experience the wording support is using comes on as condescending and insulting.
Though I understand that it is probably due to not too good skills in english or limited brain power of the employee this is no excuse at all.

The problem is that when I write to support I am very likely in a bit of desperation about a problem (why write else?).
So even if normally a dry and ignorant reply could be just brushed off,
now it will strike home and hurt me.
I don't want to say I want to be treated like a big crybaby,
but SOME more understanding is EASILY possible even in TEMPLATE answers.
It would hurt MA not a bit to include stuff like:
"we understand the severity of the problem and will do our utmost to fix the situation." (utmost could easily translate to weeks, but one feels well at first ,-) )
"We understand that this issue is very troublesome for you, but please understand that it is not possible for us to fix the situation. Our apologies." (Well in the case with the LA I'd expect the owner to visit a lawyer instantly, but I would really have liked that line more myself in a case I submitted once, rather than to tell me that unreachable claims are "normal gameplay experience")

A well its MAs choice to act like a bunch of careless a**holes, but as I like the game very much I'd rather wish they'd grow up and do a more mature support.
Until that really happens I do deal with MA like with spoiled brats that are wild for candy, talk s l o w l y and use simple words, do not get emotional as they are ignorant anyway.
And you need to keep pushing, spoiled brats have attention spans of only seconds. So keep bugging them constantly.

Its not like MA is really evil or such, they just do not try hard enough yet.

Pirx out
Everyday I see more problems with MA. Thats a great image they have :)

I'll probably start a site to list all the problems so NEW investors REALLY know where they are going to put their money :laugh:

I think MA would act really fast on the site :yay:
U could disband the society and remake it in order to fix it, but kinda lame solution :p
A big problem is if we players use a bug to get some money then we have a big chance to be forced to stop play this game by MA because then the would lose money but when we lose money because of the bugs then that is ok. ( if i look at my avatar in this game i can say that i have lost about 2-3k peds in this game because all the bugs in a time of 15 months ).
:rolleyes: Well you have to understand that "active" to MA is being logged in in the past year...
Everyday I see more problems with MA. Thats a great image they have :)

I'll probably start a site to list all the problems so NEW investors REALLY know where they are going to put their money :laugh:

I think MA would act really fast on the site :yay:

I just love this game but i have just 2 problems with the game

1.The inflation... ( and MA wount do something about it ) - They sould do something about it because here they lose money.

2.All the bugs... ( and MA wount do something about it ) - Here they only gets money so i understand why they dont fix the bugs.
I love this game. I love MA for creating this game. Sometimes I just get pissed - this should be simple to fix. I shouldn't be getting the run around for 1 month about it.
I love this game. I love MA for creating this game.

Have to agree, this game is AWESOME :wtg:

but why, why MA.

Month ago we had a soc beacon, almost all died because of server issues so we were not able to loot all the boxes, i wrote a support, next day i had a new beacon in my inventory.

I was really impressed by this, but now i read this, and the story about the Fungoid LA (with the Fert. station beneath the surface) MA i really dont know what to think about you guys.

One moment you really impress me, the next moment im back in tears.
SADLY sadly sadly this is old bug forwarded to the dev guys long time ago right after the LG where we in CCC managed to get land the same happend and we had even transfered the claim to parent soc since it was really them that made the claim they just couldnt claim because of another bug

I know Marco knows of this since i talket to him about it myself but i guess thers all sorts of other stuff more important :confused:

also note its sometimes worth sending a mail direct to marco since some of the support girls apparently dont have a clue about the game
I remember reading somewhere you had "Contacts" in MA. Have you rang them or anyone from MA Offices? I don't mean that to sound provokative or rhetorical. Maybe ringing them up could get a move on things.

It Is a good system like someone pointed out, to stop people winning LG, then kicking members for their own 100% tax earn. Although It Is stupidness this system lasts long after LG, and LG tax finish.

Well, just try them on the phone I guess... :rolleyes:
I do have contact with MA, but I can't justify wasting their time with this.
I do have contact with MA, but I can't justify wasting their time with this.

Why not? You state here there is a problem yet don't do as much as you are able to do to resolve it but post here about it anyway.

Because I prefer to use that phone for shit like accounts being stolen or shit like that, not for stupid society shit.
I am all with Mercury regarding unnecessary phone calls.
If you do your utmost to get even minor shit moved
people will in turn do their utmost to avoid you.

The official channel is the support case system and that can be used extensively :D
looks like MA just doesn't care bout ur problems ... :S
Well, I read that Marco was appearing in front of congress regarding taxation of EU. Perhaps just bigger matters at hand atm. I can respect that.