Nope, no offense.
The maps do show what you are talking about.... but it is probably harder for you to speak specifically about them without seeing them. i understand that.
And I do take all feedback as constructive. Feedback from the folks that have purchased the maps have been positive so far. But I will have to gauge that product like all others, by sales and satisfaction over time.
I will likely be starting different threads focusing on beginner or intermediate miners to see if they find the maps useful.
Thanks for the feedback Koister.
talk again soon,
i just went to look is website and my computer froze, i got a warning about some inject-code malware...
i tried again, and it was all fine... weird...
Hmm, just seems like a nice little information package. I don't think its anything you cant find on entropedia or sites like that, but perhaps its nice for quick referance and analysis use. Im interested, price seems a bit steep though for what it is.
It amazes me how forum owner and moderators allow such scam attempt to be hosted here...
Dissapointed, since all of them are experienced players, they should know instantly that Its an exploitation of new players/naive players at best... scam simply put.
Just look what happened to the computers with swarowski crystals selling thread in outfitters section... locked to be forgotten or w/e. Locked by the thread starter that is... not by moderators or 711.
(in the nicest possible way)
You are certainly entitled to your personal opinion, but take into account:
1. We have been providing this service for 8 months
2. We have many customers
3. We have repeat customers
4. We are releasing more maps, due to demand
5. Our customers have not complained about the service, in fact I have received positive feedback
6. This is a partnership with a highly reputable vendor (, who would never be associated with a scam
7. We are active on the boards (EF) and provide a wealth of information about the service and mining in general
I am not here to convince you, simply to set the record straight so other can have the full picture.