Server Downtime for Release

Bertha Bot

Entropia News Fetcher
Jul 26, 2006
Tomorrow our servers will be temporarily made unavailable while we implement Entropia Universe Release 12.0.1 and Planet Partner Content. Estimated patch size is 183 MB.

The servers will be taken down at 2011-07-06 at 07:00 UTC, and we estimate a downtime of around 120 minutes.

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Tomorrow our servers will be temporarily made unavailable while we implement Entropia Universe Release 12.0.1 and Planet Partner Content. Estimated patch size is 183 MB.

The servers will be taken down at 2011-07-06 at 07:00 UTC, and we estimate a downtime of around 120 minutes.
Damn im late :D
Woot c'mon Privateers :)
in before "TREASURES?!!!!1111" screams and hopes.
Sorry ... I can log in only to a VU ending with an irrational number....

...nn.n.1 ... does that means 1 seriuos bug and 3 smaller old returns???
Nerfs innnn Spaaaaaaace!
On the wishlist
1. Drop QUAD and Thruster BPs again
2. Drop QUAD and Thruster BPs again
3. FFS drop some bloody BPs! Post update!
taming and mentoring.. all in one stunning teethwatering release, with statues of marco and pioneer at port atlantis to worship!
taming and mentoring.. all in one stunning teethwatering release, with statues of marco and pioneer at port atlantis to worship!

There used to be some kind of statue in Port Atlantis.

A statue of Marco in Port Atlantis as the founder, Pioneer as, well, the pioneer in Twin Peaks, and goddess Hanne in party town of Cape Corinth?
Space mobs that will drop one ath to Skippe, one to Star and one to Stormer :rolleyes:

Or maby its just Client Stability Improvments :eyecrazy:
The essential things that really should be in this release are:
  • Non-lootable welding wire
  • Wormhole chips working again

Any of missing stuff being added to Calypso, Arkadia and next island would of course also be welcome. Guess we will see tomorrow.
Guess I'll be playing a round of golf tomorrow at 07:00 UTC !
Hmm.... tomorrow is July 6th. Looking back through some old Tracker stats that appears to be when Longtooth and Eomon started spawning last year!


Woot! time to finish my Eomon mission!

Please, dear Lootius, let there be Armament Device II (L) and better! :wtg:

P.S.: Pew, pew, pew!
Obviously this is taming, beacons, Mentoring, Kerberos, Umbranoid....

people are like that, Ambrey, you should know, the universe is not everywhere like where you know where i mean :)

So, where's the conspiracy again? I lost the history of those threads since weeks i don't browse forums too much :laugh:
people are like that, Ambrey, you should know, the universe is not everywhere like where you know where i mean :)

Thank you for the kind and drunk words! :shower:

Now pass the beer, please! :drink:
ArkadiatreasurehuntingtamingmakeupCyreneplanetmichealmostersplanetspaceshipsROCKtropiaBPsNextIslandBPsmigrationweldingwirenonlootableavatarlookstownexpansionsCalypsoBPssittingandlyingBeer and BEACONS! :yay:
m a k e u p
EOMON and longtoth!
They will add a new planet to go along with the Space Pirate Base. :dunce:
Its only 183mbs... Hardly going to be anything big UNLESS its something that is relaesed again that is very limited and trivial such as space was... Limited and lame. Please MindArk will you just fully implememt things before releasing them? IE taming, mentoring... The likes?

I doubt treasure hunting will be in this one simce it would require all new mats, images, stats etc to be added and it surely is at least a gig of space..think of all the detailed intracate codint that goes into games; not to memtion time and money.... Oh wait I forgot MA doesnt work like that at all. :)

All vehicles, including motherships... now decay when entering and exiting...