Unreal update please...

Pretty sure the radio silence isn't just affecting PCF. Response times to support tickets have been horrendous lately and they didn't used to be this bad. I have a support ticket that was opened back on Nov. 6th; it's still open today and the last blurb from MindArk on the ticket was almost a month ago. :( :( (n)
They discovered that the best AI for support is one that says nothing at all... ever... reduces workload by 100% overnight with pretty much zero negative impact on revenue generated.

In fact, they decided to dispense with costly AI servers and instead use the following function:

char* generateResponseToSupportQuery(char* originalMessage) { return 0; }
Mindarks silence on this is disturbing. Surely they realise that an update would do wonders for the uptake of their triton shares, which to this point has been disastrous. With returns looking at being a 20 year return on investment, people will need to be pretty confident that the game has longevity or will have a massive uptick in activity to shorten that return. UE5 was pitched to provide both so it should be in their interest to keep us updated with all the latest developments.
No updates in my mind says this has been delayed or abandoned, or worse, simply a scam to generate a bit of short term hype.
Prove me wrong please.
I don't think anyone can... and Mindark probably feel there is no need to. They know things will tick along regardless of if they say or don't say anything
if MA wants to get some progress on the cheap they should consider funding university student projects to develop things they may not currently have the time for themselves. Some universities run unreal engine incubators to do exactly that.
There is also a video MA are planning on releasing soon on their YouTube channel according to Ludvig. It's possible that may have something interesting...
There is also a video MA are planning on releasing soon on their YouTube channel according to Ludvig. It's possible that may have something interesting...
I want to learn why you’re always so optimistic with them.
Give it another year or so. They'll talk when they want to and never before
They are systematically upgrading the core systems system by system so it will be compatible with UE5.
I rather like this approach it's safer this way. It also means we will get some improvements before full lunch like the UI update. We all know MA is slow it seems they realized this as well, otherwise they wouldn't have changed their mind about releasing UI update with UE5.
They are systematically upgrading the core systems system by system so it will be compatible with UE5.
I rather like this approach it's safer this way. It also means we will get some improvements before full lunch like the UI update. We all know MA is slow it seems they realized this as well, otherwise they wouldn't have changed their mind about releasing UI update with UE5.
I think that we will see improvements before hand is a bit presumptive. Sure, they copy stuff over or just re-write or wrap it for unreal and have unreal hook into it for functionality... but I don't think that means they will ALSO change how the current CE2 hooks into it. I mean sure, they COULD... but I don't think it is a given that they will as this is sorta no benefit to them I feel.

Probably the only reason they ported the new UI over is that in theory it will (hopefully) see a performance boost (it's well know that the UI was a problem on CE2 from the get go) but mainly I think they are doing it for the free alpha testing or user acceptance testing.

They are just using us as guinea pigs I expect

Mindarks silence on this is disturbing. Surely they realise that an update would do wonders for the uptake of their triton shares, which to this point has been disastrous. With returns looking at being a 20 year return on investment, people will need to be pretty confident that the game has longevity or will have a massive uptick in activity to shorten that return. UE5 was pitched to provide both so it should be in their interest to keep us updated with all the latest developments.
No updates in my mind says this has been delayed or abandoned, or worse, simply a scam to generate a bit of short term hype.
Prove me wrong please.
I think the frequency and pattern of MA's communication (or, mainly, the lack thereof) makes it impossible to predict anything either way. They will promise something 5-10 years ago and say nothing of it ever again, or they may promise something 5-10 years ago, say nothing of it, everyone assume it is a broken promise for 90% of that period, then suddenly one day release it, to a bewildered playerbase.

obviously, this entire thread and all those like it are symptoms of the problem. inconsistent communication and an overall opaque process leaves people in the dark wondering what's coming down the line. they are asking people to invest non-trivial amounts of real money into the game, along with a lot of time. i think it would be reasonable to expect a little more communication. and that communication can come in different forms. it's not just forum posts by Ludvig. I've long been a fan of roadmaps for games. calendars of events set out well in advance. yes it takes a little bit of work on MA's part, but the value of what comes from it is more than enough to offset the cost.

if they manage to attract a lot of new people with the UE5 update, they need to be prepared to also retain them. proper communication goes a long way.
I'm reminded of a time I spoke to my dad and explained Entropia. He asked what was to stop them say having an in game earthquake and destroying say all the flats. I answered that it wouldn't be in their interest to do such a thing as folks would loose confidence in the platform.

I'll leave it as an exercise to the reader to decide if unreliable or infrequent/inconsistent communication may contribute to similar effect

I'm reminded of a time I spoke to my dad and explained Entropia. He asked what was to stop them say having an in game earthquake and destroying say all the flats. I answered that it wouldn't be in their interest to do such a thing as folks would loose confidence in the platform.

I'll leave it as an exercise to the reader to decide if unreliable or infrequent/inconsistent communication may contribute to similar effect

I often hear people talking about depositing into the game in terms of "investing in...."

it's a basic reality of investing that confidence in a product, or the market, leads to investment.

therefore taking steps to increase confidence, will result in greater investment.
I often hear people talking about depositing into the game in terms of "investing in...."

it's a basic reality of investing that confidence in a product, or the market, leads to investment.

therefore taking steps to increase confidence, will result in greater investment.
or indeed the opposite of that too...

therefore taking steps to increase confidence, will result in greater investment.

Don't make promises you can't keep, I guess. MA have learned through their own blunders that they can't live up to their own promises. I bet the upper offices are infested with self-doubt and imposter syndrome lol XD.
5 months later.... Still waiting for an update...

Thanks MA for listening to your playerbase and for the wonderful communication! /sarcasm mode off
Yeah its absolutely time for an update. It's been literally multiple years since work began, we have all seen what 1 guy in his bedroom can acheive in a weekend Inside UE5. So I think we are all keen what an experienced team could acheive in 3 years.
Yeah its absolutely time for an update. It's been literally multiple years since work began, we have all seen what 1 guy in his bedroom can acheive in a weekend Inside UE5. So I think we are all keen what an experienced team could acheive in 3 years.
Yeah like how hard can it be to build brand new game from ground up, that will be replacing 10+ year old game, shame on them :D
not too distant far away - MindArk

Means - develop with turnkey, raise funds by selling deeds and abandon as profit is squeezed already.
5 months later.... Still waiting for an update...

Thanks MA for listening to your playerbase and for the wonderful communication! /sarcasm mode off
Good old smoke screen to cover things at that moment. 👍

Benefited them 5 months. 🤔
Yeah like how hard can it be to build brand new game from ground up, that will be replacing 10+ year old game, shame on them :D
It is hard.

But they aint popping the entire game out of nowhere so your statement really isnt solid in that sense.

Positivity and hope for future is good thing but we dont have to sugar goat everything MA doe's or doesn't do. 👍
Positivity and hope for future is good thing but we dont have to sugar goat everything MA doe's or doesn't do. 👍

Yes, probably not that many goats in the world to accomodate "goating" on a large industrial scale :)