FYI: Night time can't-see-shit tip. ;-)

Personally I think it's awesome that it can get that dark.

I think they should leave it that way and maybe add occasional ambient lighting, like some times stars and moons will produce enough like to just barely see, other times it will be blackness like in the video.

I think that makes it kinda hardcore. They could even make monsters that can see you in the dark but you can't see them. Kinda like that one movie. I think that would be a great experience, and a reason to add more items to the game like flashlights and night vision or thermal optics.

Night-time at Calypso should be more terrifying than daytime. We intend to release creatures that only operates at certain times during the day/night cycle, with nocturnal-only creatures.

And, of course, new tools to help out, like NV goggles, MF, lightsticks, etc.
Night-time at Calypso should be more terrifying than daytime. We intend to release creatures that only operates at certain times during the day/night cycle, with nocturnal-only creatures.

And, of course, new tools to help out, like NV goggles, MF, lightsticks, etc.

Omg i want that :O!
Naaa...No need to evaluate, Marco,
Just give us some torches...:yay:
Night-time at Calypso should be more terrifying than daytime. We intend to release creatures that only operates at certain times during the day/night cycle, with nocturnal-only creatures.

And, of course, new tools to help out, like NV goggles, MF, lightsticks, etc.

Lightsticks dangerous creatures during night time.. you mean ravers?? O_O

darn we should alert David attenborough this will be mindbreaking news!

oh wiat I love to rave <-< give lightsticks! :yay:
and keep it as dark as it is ^^ possibly even darker on amethera :rolleyes: really love having problems seeing what your hunting, gives a quite creepy feeling =)
If there was going to to be special googles for night use, I wish that the glasses MA gave us was one of those - so that everyone can at least have the full experience of night use.

Maybe they can release better / long range / higher end gear later.

I never did got to see that sort of darkness. But I am crashing out every few minutes.

Didn't know it can be almost total darkness.
till Goggles arrive... use ordinary Scope. (old trick from beacon) Works well. ;)
(I dint see that answer in thread... maybe i dint notice)
With shaders on high there seems to be no issue but with them on medium I literally see nothing :laugh:
Yeah night is cool !!

Also it would be cool to have random rain, some day sunny and some days not
Actually 4h day, 1h night, with dusk and dawn in between. Day/night cycle is 5h in total, to facilitate all manners of time-related experiences to people who play "formalized" at certain hours.

I intend to evaluate the d/n cycle in a few months, how it "feels".

just a thought - should't we have - day on eudoria and night on amethera?
Night-time at Calypso should be more terrifying than daytime. We intend to release creatures that only operates at certain times during the day/night cycle, with nocturnal-only creatures.

And, of course, new tools to help out, like NV goggles, MF, lightsticks, etc.

could you guys atleast make lights illuminate more?
I can see some of these lights doing a tiny job but i mean the video, he ran into a town and most of the lights didn't even light anything up, the only thing they did was tell you hey theres a light here.
I would think street lights would make the street visible, the trade center sign that floats around the top should atleast light up the roof a bit.
that flashlight thing he was holding looked pretty big but it looked like it put out enough light to only see a quarter in your hand.

I don't mind it being extremly dark. infact in jungle areas and stuff i think that adds alot of depth to the game, but i think lighting needs a power boost from what it does, and this feels like the shadow system is overpowering the lighting system:scratch2:
Try to adjust Gamma in graphic options ... gamma on maximum is like night-vision :)
Try to adjust Gamma in graphic options ... gamma on maximum is like night-vision :)

Unfortunately my gamma and brightness settings don't do shit when I change them... lol
With shaders on high there seems to be no issue but with them on medium I literally see nothing :laugh:

Yeah there's definitely a problem with lighting levels between different quality settings. The default setting was so oppressively dark and yellow in Atlas Haven (a normally very cheery and bright place) during daytime that i was really disappointed in CE2... until i turned detail to high. Not a good initial impression to give people.

just a thought - should't we have - day on eudoria and night on amethera?

When it was getting on toward dusk in Atlas Haven, i TPed to PA thinking i could see nighttime. I was very confused when it wasn't any darker. :p Still, before we had daylight 24 hours a day, so i guess having night over the entire planet at the same time is no stranger.

And i do hope MA figures out a way to enforce the darkness of night (no gamma trick etc.) because it really does open up a lot of new potential that isn't as interesting if people can cheat. Maybe some flashbangs that will completely wash out the display for those running around with gamma cranked up, so that it becomes a handicap and not an advantage in at least pvp settings.

Oh, and the payn inc inserter is brighter than the enblade (at least it has been in the past, i haven't tried in this VU). the hell are you supposed to play like that? Imagine you bumped into a herd of high aggro mobs?

Drop something shiny on the ground and pray? :(

could you guys atleast make lights illuminate more?
I can see some of these lights doing a tiny job but i mean the video, he ran into a town and most of the lights didn't even light anything up, the only thing they did was tell you hey theres a light here.
I would think street lights would make the street visible, the trade center sign that floats around the top should atleast light up the roof a bit.
that flashlight thing he was holding looked pretty big but it looked like it put out enough light to only see a quarter in your hand.

I don't mind it being extremly dark. infact in jungle areas and stuff i think that adds alot of depth to the game, but i think lighting needs a power boost from what it does, and this feels like the shadow system is overpowering the lighting system:scratch2:

I imagine as the government gradually rebuilds the infrastructure, they're going to put up more light posts and things like that, to keep the cities illuminated.

Unfortunately my gamma and brightness settings don't do shit when I change them... lol

Are you in windowed mode? Gamma never works in that case.
Night Time Can't See Shit-tip:

Hire Skam, otherwise known as "The Human Flashlight":

Ill run in front of you for only 1 ped a minute! Excellent deal, order today! :yay:
tbh forget the armour, i would prefer to pay you 2 ped a minute and you run infront of me naked :D

Although thinking about that further it would need to be daytime otherwise i get to see nothing!! :laugh:

Vigi armour lights up like a christmas tree btw.
Maybe Atlas Haven Radio can put on another party at night ?

Survivor Night Ravers !

BYO glow weapons & armor lighting :D
Yeah there's definitely a problem with lighting levels between different quality settings. The default setting was so oppressively dark and yellow in Atlas Haven (a normally very cheery and bright place) during daytime that i was really disappointed in CE2... until i turned detail to high. Not a good initial impression to give people.

When it was getting on toward dusk in Atlas Haven, i TPed to PA thinking i could see nighttime. I was very confused when it wasn't any darker. :p Still, before we had daylight 24 hours a day, so i guess having night over the entire planet at the same time is no stranger.

And i do hope MA figures out a way to enforce the darkness of night (no gamma trick etc.) because it really does open up a lot of new potential that isn't as interesting if people can cheat. Maybe some flashbangs that will completely wash out the display for those running around with gamma cranked up, so that it becomes a handicap and not an advantage in at least pvp settings.

Oh, and the payn inc inserter is brighter than the enblade (at least it has been in the past, i haven't tried in this VU).

Do not affect me, with this shit in place will regulary log off when it come. Played other games with day night and always hated it.
Do not affect me, with this shit in place will regulary log off when it come. Played other games with day night and always hated it.

I'm just looking out for your RSI, Dan. ;)

But seriously, you've been around PE long enough to know that not every change for the better is going to be liked by everyone.
wohoo im on tv! im on tv! :yay:
Night-time at Calypso should be more terrifying than daytime. We intend to release creatures that only operates at certain times during the day/night cycle, with nocturnal-only creatures.

And, of course, new tools to help out, like NV goggles, MF, lightsticks, etc.

I love this idea. I'm a HUGE fan of the day/night cycle. The only thing I would like to see is a "time zone" effect. If it's dusk in PA, it should be dark in Nymphtown or however the zones would work out.
Actually 4h day, 1h night, with dusk and dawn in between. Day/night cycle is 5h in total, to facilitate all manners of time-related experiences to people who play "formalized" at certain hours.

I intend to evaluate the d/n cycle in a few months, how it "feels".


So.... Typhon kickstarted the rotation of the planet, but also slowed it down? Your original concept says there is a 4 hour rotational period...

Or is it just caused by server lag :p
i would like if the night have 2 hours and the day 3 hours and for dust period 1 hour. So in total 5 hours also.
this would be more realistic and im sure a lot ppl like the nights:)

And also i would like if the weather have a period system. New Switzerland have all the time snowfall and the terrain looks green, is a bit far away of realistic, and make the system more lag. And atm we have 34C in the real switzerland and no snow. Switzerland have a weather system:D
You are not supposed to sleep at night?:scratch2:
give me a tent my av can sleep in, in the wilderness during the night, with a mini turret ontop that keeps mobs away from me while i sleep, and i will sleep at night lol!
Night-time at Calypso should be more terrifying than daytime. We intend to release creatures that only operates at certain times during the day/night cycle, with nocturnal-only creatures.

And, of course, new tools to help out, like NV goggles, MF, lightsticks, etc.

You'd best be making a Grue, as in "Careful, you might be eaten by a grue." :laugh::laugh:

Ah, nostalgia
i like it:9 night should be dark as hell)
haha verry nice :D using the same tip now :yay:
Night-time at Calypso should be more terrifying than daytime. We intend to release creatures that only operates at certain times during the day/night cycle, with nocturnal-only creatures.

And, of course, new tools to help out, like NV goggles, MF, lightsticks, etc.

Ohh!! :yay: :yay: :yay:

Really looking forward to mf lights of some sort! And of course night vision googles, I love googles!

Creepy crawlies that only come out at night? Wow, I guess I'll want more than just 1 hour of that then!! :laugh:
:wtg: great

so long i use my torch at night to find my way home :D
