Hello!You still don't answer my question on the last private message that I sent to you,or I must understand that is a punish also fo the necro-spam that I make 5 month ago?Is forbiden to me seeing HOF`s and ATH?
In regards to your post closing the thread: "Info: Secrets revealed"
I think it's one thing to close a thread that breaks forum rules. It's another thing to jump up on a soapbox and reply to content in that thread at the same time as closing it and preventing any response to you. That's just abuse of power. If the thread is against the rules, then you shouldn't participate in it either. It really defeats your stated purpose of preventing people from putting stock in such rumors and in fact makes a spectacle of them.
I have always thought you did a pretty good job running this forum and maintaining order objectively. I was really disappointed in your response here though. -Rep
marry fukjcing xmas <3 and hhaotyoy anew years <3 and alls ;:* becyuse today s i lov eoyu rsoo loveiu <33 yes! love you ! ;* hyop you got a awsome ruday =D <3 andhope haveing a party ros r just paklying i mdonno <3 happy new years and xmads <3 :* kiss n love