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  • just came across the thread and wanted to express my appreciation for the WoFs, pal
    my best experience in PE so far!
    Too bad you missed the WOF RL party Hurrikane! It was awesome! Just let me know when you are in the area, and I just orginise a new one ;)
    lol I'm definitely gonna rent "Big Daddy" someday! Don't know why I haven't seen it yet, as both Sandler & buscemi are hilerious! :laugh: well anyways thx for sharing! :thumbup:
    Thanks dude for the +Rep, and a BIG thank you for pointing out my mistake! "Stay Thirsty My Friend"
    Good Lord .. I kinda wish Brooklyn had some friends.
    Then he/she/it would have people who actually want B's comments on their page; as opposed to now, where he/she/it harasses the many, many people who don't like him/her/it.
    Sad, really.
    Too bad they don't have a skill / intelligence requirement to post - that'd take her/him/it right out of the equation. ;)
    I hope life is well for your tribe across the sea, Kevin. :D

    Hey Brooklyn - if you read this - do us all a favor and fuck right off.
    k thx bai. :wave: :loco:
    Yes... I'm Mr. desparte for popoularity I find your obsession with my green bars quit interesting. But here's the difference bewtween you and me I'm not whore for them as you seem to be... and my three are much more than all of yours... why because I've earned the hard way... posting good challenging post that decerning people appreciate... I don't come and pimp a story about what a big man I am to an audience of glad handers...and supporters... gain my bars... so despite the best efforts of you and little group of friends and your campaign... I still have three well earned green bars... which is more than you will ever have.:)
    just thought i'd sweeten the atmosphere in 'ere...

    hehehe :D

    lily :grouphug:
    What is that you think gaining... you know the last time you ended up having to make phoney public apology where you blamed your insanity on quiting smoking... the more you and your little jerk-off friends attack me the more popoular I become... so tell again what it is you think you are gaining... Maybe you should start a poll to remove me like Eggroll..
    I beg to differ... you attacked the little frenchman and you ripped his shirt and intimidated his clerk all for your own fuck-up... and inability to find or conceive of anything but a viloent confrontation... You obseeion wiht me stems from you inability to control what I say which is an affront to over exgegrated sense of manhood... So please hit that ignore button and get out of my face...
    Thanks for the :) Still obsessing I see... what no little frenchmen to beat-up on these days...
    I am a finance student who is doing research on socs in EU for my master thesis, and i was wondering if you or a member of your soc would help me by answering some questions

    best regards
    Miss Master Thesis
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