Help me, oh mighty glitcher!


Nov 4, 2006
Vikings of Calypso
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Snablesnot Male Young
Hiya, now that i got your attention, i have a problem. I have two shelves in my apartment that have items on them(but are inside the shelf) I can see small part of them but cant select them(shelve becomes activated instead).
I have seen guys spawning different pieces of furniture over calypso and adding items on them similar way. Is there a way i can remove those items? (And yes have already sent a support case, but no reply yet)

If my explanation was too confusing then ... Table has pecs on them, but pecs have been spawned inside the table texture, so i cant pick it up without selecting table first. And i cant pick up table when there are items on it(coins)
I would like to sell the apartment but cant afford to leave 100ped worth of items inside.

UPDATE : "One guy just said to look at shelves from below (so 3rd person view and use numpad 2 to move camera to low point) and there those items were, they were selectable! "
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Pretty sure the answer to this is NO YOU CANT, other wise the items that got spawned in Twin Peaks (wally shelving & flying carpet) would not have stayed there for so long :)
Pretty sure the answer to this is NO YOU CANT, other wise the items that got spawned in Twin Peaks (wally shelving & flying carpet) would not have stayed there for so long :)

Obviously that's why he's looking for someone who can :). Surely Oberon could help him as easily as he places and removes his stuff in Twins and other places.
oberon is the man.
Hmm a "Move all objects in this estate to my inventory" action accessed via the Estate Marker could be a good thing for people looking to empty their apartments for selling... Or to bypass problems like this :dunno:

As long as it asks "Are you sure?" at least once, would hate to accidentally pick up 100 carefully placed items :laugh:
just a thought

you could maybe add even 80 ped to selling price, with a sales thread here, leave apartment public and then it's obviously a question of the buyer waiting on Support's answer, no?
Also, just to play devils advocate; it amazes me; the number of apartment sellers who either set the apartment to restricted or don't leave a 2 ped light inside!
usually if the 'pivot point' - that little area you can grab the item's namebar by is 'in the wall' support ticket is needed. Support can actually just move the item to your storage through that if they ever do answer it. That 'sinking in the wall' problem is a big problem in some places. I typically see it most in areas like behind booths if the red borders you see in 'visualize' include a small part of the wall behind the booth, just enough to hang a sign, etc. There's a few times I've seen it happen in apartments too. I think some furniture is more prone to it than others.

Glitches sometimes do let you move tables if there is stuff on them, etc. However, that is a very rare glitch and I think they may have fixed some of it, but not all of it. If you can get the glitch to activate, it typically seems to require some server reloading type of things... what I think causes the glitch is a programming thing where the server has to sort of create two instances of everything behind the scenes as scene is loading to increase speed and decrease buffer time, even though buffering time is still bad in some areas where there's tons of items. ... how you get the server reload to happen is a little tricky... sometimes you can do it accidentally with televators and tps, etc. Also, I think some types of furniture are more prone for the glitch than others. The only times I've ever been able to activate it 'on purpose' which was basically just for testing type things, it has to do with moving between floors on televators and moving stuff in a certain timing tied to those televator hops. However, I don't think that you can activate the glitch without a pivot point if it's stuck inside of the wall. You might possibly be able to get the table to move, but it's going to be really hit and miss. I've only been able to do it on a table twice a few months back... so it might be possible... really tricky stuff. Best option is support ticket.

I agree, a 'move all to storage' option on estate terminal would be nice. A diagram/tree chart that shows everything, similar to the tree view site would be handy too, and a way to just right click the tree view and move item to storage from that would be awesome. Similarly, it'd be cool to have a layout type of thing in shops so that you select an xyz spot to put something, and as soon as it sells, it would automatically be replaced with a new item you picked out ahead of time that will replace it and automatically mark it up to a preset amount, etc. Sort of create a 'queue' of items to go in the shop so that shop is always stocked.

I also think it'd be nice if they'd add x,y,z type widgets on everything that actually let you float stuff without having to resort to glitches since getting some stuff in the air helps make for better visual compositions, lighting, etc. As many folks that are using the glitches should be an indication to them that they should make the glitches in to 'features' and really play it up as such... along that line, where's the 'add 20 slots to this estate for 2k ped' button on the state terminal that was talked about about 2 years ago?!?
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I've had similar problems. The solution is to ask support to move all items from your apartment to storage.

The other option you could try is to quickly go to the items in apartment and now if they load faster than the shelf, quickly select and pick them up before the shelf renders :)
same here - few updates ago.....

After a case MA move the items from appartment in my storage.
ty for all the posts, i see that i just have to wait for support to do their job. TY for feedback.
/Agreed on: Move all items in Shop/Home to Inventory command.
(Everquest2 has a similar command - but it uses a special storage chest instead.)

As for finding items stuck within some walls.... a year or so ago someone helped me find some stuck items inside the wall of my NI estate. I dont remember the method properly as it invovled many steps to perform.... perhaps someone can explain it better:

Overall the process was:
A team was formed.
I focused my camera on team members face.
The team member ran off the radar.
Then one of the library camera commands (forget which) was used to "detach" camera from the face.
The camera then became slightly OTS detached around my avatar and could be moved up/down free-floating without moving my avatar.
Using the camera I could peek a small distance into the walls to find the embedded objects and select and pick them up.

This all happened a long time back and I didn't record the process - so I dont recall all the steps necesary to reproduce it.

Hope it helps.
WOOHOO 1,5week after support case sent, i finally got back my items! You think support helped me? NO! One guy just said to look at shelves from below (so 3rd person view and use numpad 2 to move camera to low point) and there those items were, they were selectable!
TY moving cam, and no ty Support.
Nice to see that glitchers are useful for something, besides being an entertaining nuisance :)
Hmm a "Move all objects in this estate to my inventory" action accessed via the Estate Marker could be a good thing for people looking to empty their apartments for selling... Or to bypass problems like this :dunno:

As long as it asks "Are you sure?" at least once, would hate to accidentally pick up 100 carefully placed items :laugh:

necro bump, I know... but LUDVIG, NOW THAT YOU ARE WITH MINDARK, WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO MAKE THAT "Move all objects in this estate to my inventory" button available?

Not a ton of need for it since there is target next, pick up action quick keys available, but it would be nice for these huge item point apartments up on Rocktropia... Between the two apartments I got next to one another I have 820 item points in this one small area... That's a lot of clicking target next pick up over and over and over again.
necro bump, I know... but LUDVIG, NOW THAT YOU ARE WITH MINDARK, WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO MAKE THAT "Move all objects in this estate to my inventory" button available?

Not a ton of need for it since there is target next, pick up action quick keys available, but it would be nice for these huge item point apartments up on Rocktropia... Between the two apartments I got next to one another I have 820 item points in this one small area... That's a lot of clicking target next pick up over and over and over again.

Yes ludvig! Get on it!