Info: Summer Migration Map

Angel O2 Mercer

Mar 1, 2010
Avatar Name
Angel O2 Mercer


Short link:


Table of contents​

1. Migration paths
2. Location calendar
3. Fixed spawns
4. Wave events (shared loot)
5. Missions
6. End of migration event
7. Links


I've been scratching my head about how to map moving spawns efficiently, so this is what I'll do: I have numbered the migration paths, and I will post updates as they move indicating both the mob maturity (or maturities) and the path node label. Hopefully this will be useful in the future too so I don't have to do so much work next year. Migration direction is in order of ascending number. The opening post will have the last known correct location.

The idea is that if you don't find what you are looking for at E4 you can probably visit E5 or E6 and chances are they'll be there :)



* A grey waypoint indicates that nothing ever spawned there.

Copy the waypoint(s) you need and paste in ingame chat:
/wp [Calypso, 87415, 80038, 286, E1]
/wp [Calypso, 86634, 80296, 424, E2]
/wp [Calypso, 85644, 80023, 376, E3]
/wp [Calypso, 85034, 79432, 317, E4]
/wp [Calypso, 84110, 78829, 170, E5]
/wp [Calypso, 83433, 78155, 155, E6]
/wp [Calypso, 83036, 77153, 158, E7]
/wp [Calypso, 83114, 75880, 223, E8]
/wp [Calypso, 83146, 74888, 150, E9]
/wp [Calypso, 80947, 70817, 144, E10]
/wp [Calypso, 80815, 69929, 140, E11]
/wp [Calypso, 80464, 69087, 154, E12]
/wp [Calypso, 79701, 68869, 170, E13]
/wp [Calypso, 78971, 68943, 177, E14]
/wp [Calypso, 78388, 68825, 176, E15]
/wp [Calypso, 78016, 68212, 160, E16]
/wp [Calypso, 77887, 67741, 157, E17]
/wp [Calypso, 77991, 67285, 154, E18]
/wp [Calypso, 77605, 66925, 156, E19]
/wp [Calypso, 77011, 66874, 140, E20]



* A grey waypoint indicates that nothing ever spawned there.

Copy the waypoint(s) you need and paste in ingame chat:
/wp [Calypso, 62321, 88232, 228, L1]
/wp [Calypso, 62435, 87787, 280, L2]
/wp [Calypso, 62485, 87320, 324, L3]
/wp [Calypso, 62565, 86904, 425, L4]
/wp [Calypso, 62970, 86586, 430, L5]
/wp [Calypso, 62977, 86008, 312, L6]
/wp [Calypso, 63332, 85373, 331, L7]
/wp [Calypso, 64120, 85067, 310, L8]
/wp [Calypso, 64819, 84543, 321, L9]
/wp [Calypso, 65526, 84047, 279, L10]
/wp [Calypso, 66623, 83817, 135, L11]
/wp [Calypso, 67342, 83653, 130, L12]
/wp [Calypso, 67572, 83155, 125, L13]
/wp [Calypso, 67758, 82421, 125, L14]
/wp [Calypso, 68374, 82911, 151, L15]
/wp [Calypso, 69030, 83343, 184, L16]
/wp [Calypso, 69654, 83743, 154, L17]
/wp [Calypso, 69654, 84559, 144, L18]
/wp [Calypso, 69526, 85151, 130, L19]
/wp [Calypso, 69478, 85871, 101, L20]
/wp [Calypso, 69350, 86815, 136, L21]
/wp [Calypso, 68860, 87318, 136, L22]


Longtooth Young from L1 to L4
Longtooth Provider, Guardian at L2
Nothing from L5 to L9
Longtooth Dominant from L11 to L14
Nothing from L15 to L22
Eomon Young, Mature at E1 (+ Mulmun Clan Warlord)
Eomon Youn at E2
Nothing from E3 to E7
Nothing from E10 to E20
Longtooth Young, Mature at L1 and L2
Mulmun Hunter at L3
Longtooth Young from L3 to L6
Nothing from L7 to L9
Longtooth Dominant from L11 to L17
Nothing from L18 to L22
Eomon Provider, Guardian at E1
Eomon Mature, Old at E2 (+ Mulmun Clan Warlord
Eomon Young at E3, E4
Nothing from E5 to E7
Nothing from E10 to E20
Longtooth Mature at L1
Longtooth Young, Mature, Provider and Guardian at L2.
Longtooth Young and Mature at L3.
Longtooth Young at L4 (mixed with Mulmun Hunter).
Longtooth Young between L4 and L5.
Longtooth Young at L5 and L6.
Longtooth Young at L7.
Eomon Dominant at E1.
Eomon Guardian and Provider between E1 and E2.
Eomon Old at E2.
Eomon Mature between E2 and E3.
Eomon Young at E3 and E4.
Eomons have not yet reached E5.
Longtooth Alpha now at L11.
Longtooth Dominant have reached L19.
Mulmun Degenerate have spawned at E1.
Eomon Alpha between E1 and E2.
Eomon Dominant at E2.
Eomon Guardian between E2 and E3.
Eomon Provider north of E3.
Eomon Old at E3.
Eomon Mature betwee E3 and E4 (plus Mulmun Clan Warlord).
Eomon Young at E4 and E5.
Longtooth Mature at L1
Longtooth Mature, Provider, Guardian at L2
Longtooth Mature at L3, L4 and L5
Longtooth Young from L6 to L9
Mulmun Hunter at L6
Longtooth Alpha at L11, L12 and L13
Longtooth Dominant at L14 to L20
Eomon Young at E1 and E2
Mulmun Degenerate west of E2
Eomon Alpha between E2 and E3
Eomon Dominant at E3
Eomon Guardian, Provider between E3 and E4
Eomon Old at E4
Eomon Mature between E4 and E5 (+Mulmun Clan Warlord)
Eomon Young and E5, E6
Longtooth Mature at L1
Longtooth Provider, Guardian at L2 (this seems to be a permanent spawn)
Longtooth Mature from L3 to L7
Longtooth Young from L7 to L9
Longtooth Alpha from L11 to L16
Longtooth Dominant from L16 to L21 (almost at L22)
Nothing at E1
Mulmun Clan Warlord at E2
Eomon Young at E3
Mulmun Degenerate south-west of E3
Eomon Alpha between E3 and E4
Eomon Dominant at E4
Eomon Guardian, Provider at E5
Eomon Old south-west of E5
Eomon Mature at E6 (+ Mulmun Clan Warlord)
Eomon Young south-west of E6
Eomon Young at E7
Eomon Young at E10
Longtooth Mature at L1
Longtooth Provider, Guardian at L2
Longtooth Mature from L3 to L8
Longtooth Young at L9
Mulmun Hunter at L11
Longtooth Alpha from L12 to L17
Longtooth Dominant from L18 to L22
Nothing at E1 or E2
Eomon Young at E3 and E4
Mulmun Degenerate south-west of E4
Eomon Alpha between E4 and E5
Eomon Dominant at E5
Eomon Guardian, Provider at E6
Eomon Old south-west of E6
Eomon Mature between E6 and E7 (+ Mulmun Clan Warlord)
Eomon Young at E7
Eomon Young at E10 (+ Mulmun Clan Warlord)
Eomon Young at E11
Longtooth Old at L1
Longtooth Provider, Guardian, Dominant at L2
Longtooth Old at L3
Longtooth Mature from L4 to L9
Mulmun Hunter east of L9
Longtooth Old Alpha at L11 and L12
Longtooth Alpha from L13 to L20
Longtooth Dominant from north of L20 to L22
Nothing at E1, E2 or E3
Mulmun Clan Warlord at E4
Eomon Young from SW of E4 to E6
Mulmun Degenerate N of E6
Eomon Alpha between E6 and E7
Eomon Dominant north of E7
Eomon Guardian at E7
Eomon Young at E10 (+ Mulmun Clan Warlord)
Eomon Mature, Old from E11 to E12
Eomon Young at E12 (+ Mulmun Clan Warlord)
Longtooth Old at L1
Longtooth Provider, Guardian at L2
Longtooth Old at L3
Longtooth Dominant at L4
Longtooth Old from L5
Longtooth Mature from L6 to L9
Mulmun Hunter at L7
Nothing at L10
Longtooth Old Alpha from L11 to L14
Longtooth Alpha from L15 to L22
Nothing from E1 to E4
Mulmun Clan Warlord at E5
Eomon Young from south-west of E5 to E6
Mulmun Degenerate north of E7
Eomon Alpha at E7
Eomon Provider at E10
Eomon Old at E11
Eomon Young south of E11 (+ Mulmun Clan Warlord)
Eomon Mature at E12
Eomon Old west of E12
Eomon Mature at E13 (+ Mulmun Clan Warlord)
Eomon Young from west of E13 to E14
Longtooth Young at L1
Longtooth Old from L2 to L6
Longtooth Mature, Old at L7 and L8 (+ small Dominant spawn?)
Longtooth Mature from L8 to L9
Mulmun Hunter at L9
Nothing at L10
Longtooth Dominant at L11
Longtooth Old Alpha from L12 to L18
Longtooth Alpha from L19 to L22
Mulmun Hunter south of L20
Nothing from E1 to E6
Mulmun Clan Warlord at E7
Eomon Young at E10
Eomon Guardian, Dominant, Alpha south of E10
Eomon Provider, Guardian at E11
Eomon Provider north of E12
Eomon Old at E12
Eomon Provider between E12 and E13
Eomon Young south of E11 (+ Mulmun Clan Warlord)
Eomon Old at E13
Eomon Young at E14 (+ Mulmun Clan Warlord)
Eomon Mature at E15
Eomon Mature, Old south-west of E15
Mulmun Clan Warlord at E16
Eomon Young at E17 and E18
Longtooth Old at L1
Longtooth Mature, Old at L2
Mulmun Hunter at L3
Longtooth Young from L3 to L5
Longtooth Old from L6 to L8
Longtooth Mature, Old at L9
Mulmun Hunter at L9
Nothing at L10
Longtooth Alpha from L11 to L12
Mulmun Hunter north of L13
Longtooth Dominant at L14 and L15
Longtooth Old Alpha from L16 to L22
Nothing from E1 to E7
Eomon Old, Guardian, Provider, Dominant, Alpha, Old Alpha at E10
Eomon Old, Provider at E11
Eomon Old at E12 (+ Mulmun Clan Warlord)
Eomon Young west of E12
Eomon Dominant, Alpha at E13
Eomon Guardian at E14
Eomon Old, Provider at E15
Eomon Old at E16
Eomon Young at E17
Eomon Old at E18 (+ Mulmun Clan Warlord)
Eomon Mature, Old at E19
Longtooth Young, Mature at L1
Mulmun Hunter at L2
Longtooth Old from L3 to L5
Longtooth Young, Mature at L6 (+ Mulmun Hunter)
Longtooth Young at L7
Longtooth Old from L8 to L9
Nothing at L10
Mulmun Hunter at L11
Longtooth Old Alpha at L11 and L12
Longtooth Alpha from L13 to L15
Mulmun Hunter at L16
Longtooth Dominant from L16 to L18
Longtooth Old Alpha from L19 to L21
Nothing from E1 to E7
Eomon Guardian at E10
Eomon Old, Provider between E10 and E11
Eomon Old at E11
Mulmun Clan Warlord between E11 and E12
Eomon Young at E12
Eomon Provider, Guardian, Dominant, Alpha, Old Alpha east of E12
Eomon Provider at E13 and E14
Eomon Old at E15 (+ Mulmun Clan Warlord)
Eomon Young betwen E15 and E16
Eomon Alpha, Old Alpha at E16
Eomon Guardian at E17
Eomon Old, Provider at E18 and E19
Longtooth Young, Mature, Old at L1
Longtooth Mature from L2 to L4
Mulmun Hunter at L4
Longtooth Old from L5 to L6
Longtooth Mature at L7 (+ Mulmun Hunter)
Longtooth Young at L8
Longtooth Old from L9 to west of L10
Longtooth Old Alpha from L11 to L13
Mulmun Hunter at L13
Longtooth Old Alpha at L14
Longtooth Alpha from L15 to L17
Mulmun Hunter at L18
Longtooth Dominant from L18 to L21
Longtooth Old Alpha at L21 and L22
Nothing from E1 to E7
Eomon Old at E10
Mulmun Clan Warlord south of E10
Eomon Mature north of E11
Eomon Dominant, Alpha, Old Alpha at E11
Eomon Guardian south of E11
Eomon Old, Provider at E12
Eomon Old between E12 and E13 (+ Mulmun Clan Warlord)
Eomon Young between E13 and E14
Eomon Guardian at E14
Eomon Provider at E15 and towards E16
Eomon Old south of E16
Mulmun Clan Warlord at E17
Eomon Young at E18
Eomon Dominant, Alpha, Old Alpha at E19
Eomon Provider, Guardian between E19 and E20
Nothing at L1
Longtooth Mature, Old at L2 and L3
Longtooth Old at L4
Longtooth Mature from L4 to L5
Longtooth Young at L6 (+ Mulmun Hunter)
Longtooth Old at L7
Longtooth Mature at L8
Longtooth Young at L9
Nothing at L11 or L12
Longtooth Old Alpha from L13 to L16
Mulmun Hunter at L15
Longtooth Alpha from L17 to L20
Mulmun Hunter between L20 to L21
Longtooth Dominant at L21 and L22
Nothing from E1 to E7
Nothing at E10
Eomon Provider at E11
Eomon Old between E11 and E12 (+ Mulmun Clan Warlord)
Eomon Mature at E12
Eomon Dominant, Alpha, Old Alpha between E12 and E13
Eomon Guardian at E13
Eomon Provider between E13 and E14
Eomon Old at E14 and E15 (+ Mulmun Clan Warlord)
Eomon Young south-west of E15
Eomon Dominant, Alpha, Old Alpha at E15
Eomon Guardian at E16
Eomon Provider at E17
Eomon Old, Provider at E18
Eomon Old at E19
Mulmun Clan Warlord at E20
Nothing at L1
Nothing at L2 (except the fixed spawn of Provider/Guardian)
Nothing at L3
Longtooth Young, Mature, Old from L4 to L5
Longtooth Mature from L6 to L7
Mulmun Hunter at L7
Longtooth Old from L8 to L9
Longtooth Mature at L9
Nothing from L11 to L14
Longtooth Old Alpha from L15 to L18
Mulmun Hunter at L17
Longtooth Alpha from L19 to L21
Mulmun Hunter at L22
Longtooth Dominant at L22
Nothing from E1 to E7
Nothing at E10 or E11
Eomon Provider at E12
Eomon Old between E12 and E13
Mulmun Clan Warlord at E13
Eomon Mature between E13 and E14
Eomon Dominant, Alpha, Old Alpha at E14
Eomon Provider at E15
Eomon Old at E16
Mulmun Clan Warlord at E17
Eomon Young between E17 and E18
Eomon Dominant, Alpha, Old Alpha at E18
Eomon Guardian at E19
Eomon Old, Provider at E20
Nothing from L1 to L5 (except the fixed spawn of Provider/Guardian at L2)
Longtooth Young, Mature, Old at L6
Longtooth Old north of L7
Longtooth Mature from L7 to L8
Mulmun Hunter at L8
Longtooth Old from L8 to west of L10
Nothing from L11 to L15
Longtooth Old Alpha from L16 to L20
Mulmun Hunter at L19
Longtooth Alpha at L21 and L22
Nothing from E1 to E13
Eomon Old, Provider at E14
Mulmun Clan Warlord west of E14
Eomon Dominant, Alpha, Old Alpha at E15
Eomon Guardian at E16
Eomon Provider at E17
Eomon Old at E18
Mulmun Clan Warlord at E19
Eomon Young west of E19
Eomon Old, Guardian at E20
Nothing from L1 to L6 (except the fixed spawn of Provider/Guardian at L2)
Longtooth Young, Mature, Old at L7
Longtooth Old, Mature at L8
Longtooth Old at L9 (+Mulmun Hunter)
Nothing from L11 to L17
Longtooth Old Alpha from L18 to L21
Mulmun Hunter south of L21
Longtooth Alpha south of L22
Nothing from E1 to E14
Eomon Old, Provider at E15
Mulmun Clan Warlord south of E15
Eomon Mature at E16
Eomon Dominant, Alpha, Old Alpha at E17
Eomon Guardian at E18
Eomon Old, Provider at E19
Eomon Old at E20
Nothing from L1 to L7 (except the fixed spawn of Provider/Guardian at L2)
Longtooth Young, Mature, Old at L8
Longtooth Old between L8 and L9
Longtooth Mature at L9
Nothing from L11 to L19
Longtooth Old Alpha from L20 to L22
Nothing from E1 to E16
Eomon Provider between E16 and E17
Eomon Old at E17
Eomon Mature at E18 (+ Mulmun Clan Warlord)
Eomon Dominant, Alpha, Old Alpha at 19
Nothing at E20
Nothing from L1 to L8 (except the fixed spawn of Provider/Guardian at L2)
Longtooth Young, Mature, Old at L9
Nothing from L11 to L21
Longtooth Old Alpha at L22
Nothing from E1 to E18
Eomon Old, Provider at E19 (+ Mulmun Clan Warlord)
Nothing at E20


Longtooth Adolescent
North and East of Chug’s Hideout
/wp [Calypso, 68138, 75070, 173, Longtooth Adolescent]
/wp [Calypso, 68489, 74828, 152, Longtooth Adolescent]

East of Fort Zeus
/wp [Calypso, 87007, 94482, 281, Longtooth Adolescent]

Longtooth Young
/wp[Calypso, 85135, 84827, 129, Longtooth Young]

Longtooth Young, Mature
/wp [Calypso, 75106, 93631, 103, Longtooth Young/Mature]

Longtooh Provider, Guardian
/wp [Calypso, 62435, 87787, 280, Longtooth Provider/Guardian]

Longtooh Provider, Guardian
/wp [Calypso, 64222, 84488, 305, Longtooth Provider/Guardian]

Longtooth Prowler, Stalker
/wp [Calypso, 67889, 82898, 126, Longtooth Prowler/Stalker + Old Fred]

Eomon Prowler/Stalker (OLA 58)
/wp [Calypso, 31944, 56877, 127, Eomon Prowler/Stalker]

Eomon Alpha, Old Alpha, Prowler & Stalker (OLA 63)
/wp [Calypso, 27395, 48146, 217, Eomon Alpha/OA/Prow/Stalk]

Eomon Stalker (OLA 66)
/wp [Calypso, 38979, 42266, 176, Eomon Stalker]

Eomon Mature, Old and Provider
/wp [Calypso, 86834, 83377, 114, Eomon Mat/Old/Prov]

Eomon Young, Old
/wp [Calypso, 88053, 83325, 119, Eomon Young/Old]

4. WAVE EVENTS (Shared Loot)

Longtooth Dominant, Alpha & Old Alpha + Old Fred
West of Fort Argus
/wp [Calypso, 74250, 92664, 102, LT Wave Dom/Alpha/OA + Old Fred]

Longtooth Guardian, Dominant & Alpha + Old Fred
North of Livas Heights
/wp [Calypso, 66354, 86609, 133, LT Wave Guard/Dom/Alpha + Old Fred]

Longtooth Provider, Guardian & Dominant + Old Fred
North of Atlas Haven
/wp [Calypso, 72005, 84151, 145, LT Wave Prov/Guard/Dom + Old Fred]

Longtooth Old, Provider & Guardian + Old Fred
South of Limnadian District
/wp [Calypso, 72454, 76962, 110, LT Wave Old/Prov/Guard + Old Fred]


Eomon Daily “Guts and Glory” mission (2 Daily Tokens + 400 Blazars)
Eomon “Circuit Taker” mission (1x E.L.M Edition weapon + 23k Blazars)

Longtooth Daily “Touch a Nerve” mission (1 Daily Token + 200 Blazars)
Longtooth “Take a Breather” mission (1x E.L.M Edition weapon + 12k Blazars)

/wp [Calypso, 87429, 85057, 116, Unnamed RDI Xenobiologist]


Big Atrox and Neomex spawns
East of Ashi (close to TP)
Atrox Marauder, Slayer, Queen (Shared Loot)
/wp [Calypso, 82590, 78310, 139, Atrox Marauder, Slayer, Queen (shared)]

South-West of Fort Ithaca
Atrox Hatchling
/wp [Calypso, 68172, 87640, 146, Atrox Hatchling]

Atrox Marauder, Slayer, Queen (Shared Loot)
/wp [Calypso, 68054, 87535, 140, Atrox Marauder, Slayer, Queen (shared)]

South-East of Fort Pandora
Atrox Hatchling
/wp [Calypso, 85504, 84986, 123, Atrox Hatchling]

Atrox Marauder, Slayer (not shared)
/wp [Calypso, 85201, 84590, 128, Atrox Marauder, Slayer]

East of Boreas
Neomex Weaver (Shared Loot)
/wp [Calypso, 76029, 66813, 129, Neomex Weaver (shared)]

Neomex Majestic (Shared Loot)
/wp [Calypso, 76065, 67144, 121, Neomex Majestic (shared)]

Neomex Queen (Shared Loot)
/wp [Calypso, 75857, 67365, 123, Neomex Queen (shared)]

Neomex Builder, Majestic (Shared Loot)
/wp [Calypso, 76818, 66874, 139, Neomex Builder, Majestic]

Neomex Hunter Elite, Chaser Elite (Shared Loot)
/wp [Calypso, 76645, 67112, 139, Neomex Hunter Elite, Chaser Elite]



Annual Eomon migration page
Eomon Pheromone Level Tracker

Thread: Eomon Pheromone Level Rising 2018 (Friday, July 6)
Thread: Eomon Pheromone Level Rising 2019 (Friday, July 5)
Thread: Eomon Pheromone Level Rising 2020 (Thursday, July 9)
Thread: Eomon Pheromone Level Rising 2021 (Wednesday, June 23)
Thread: Eomon Pheromone Level Rising 2022 (Wednesday, June 22)
Thread: Eomon Pheromone Level Rising 2023 (Wednesday, June 21)
Thread: Eomon Pheromone Level Rising 2024 (Wednesday, June 19)

❤️ Sponsors​

The map is 100% free of charge, I don't expect anything in return, but if you feel like giving something back contact me here or ingame. Every PED I receive will be kept ingame, to help me fund my adventures and community projects. Thanks !

Feel free to report missing or inaccurate spawns, I'll fix them.
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You are awesome! Thank you very much for this information.


Longtooth Dominant, Alpha & Old Alpha
West of Fort Argus

Longtooth Guardian, Dominant & Alpha
North of Livas Heights

Longtooth Provider, Guardian & Dominant
North of Atlas Haven

Longtooth Old, Provider & Guardian
South of Limnadian District

Do we have any cords for these wave events. Tried to look for the last one. Old Prov Guard couldnt find it
Great as always
More than what MA does
Sure, things don't need to be spoon fed, but giving us nothing is bad
Thanks again

PS - make a map of each MA employee, then they might be able to find their head up their ass
Thanks for this!
I love you so much!

May i suggest you extend your wonderful work with a list of

L1: /wp [Calypso, x, y, z, L1]
L2: /wp [Calypso, x, y, z, L2]
L3: /wp [Calypso, x, y, z, L3]

- so we can just read that our wanted mob is at L3,
- then go to the waypoint list,
- copy the waypoint link #3 from there
- and paste it ingame...?
Where's the longtooth stalkers? I found 1 or 2 around L2 to L4-5 with matriarch and goliath.
Thanks Ranger ! :cool:(y) Most useful thread !
Ty for the work on the map, very appreciated (y)
Great post, that kind of things should be officialy posted by Mindark as a mandatory stuff at every event they do, great job!
The location of L6 has been updated, since a new herd of Longtooth Young have moved there.

I doubt L7 to L10 are in the correct position, I will correct them as migration proceeds.

Feel free to report incorrect or missing spawns.
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Ty for the map, awesome work :)
Eomon Dominant at E1.
Eomon Guardian and Provider between E1 and E2.
Eomon Old at E2.
Eomon Mature between E2 and E3.
Eomon Young at E3 and E4.
Eomons have not yet reached E5.

Longtooth Dominant have reached L17.
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Longtooth Mature at L1
Longtooth Young, Mature, Provider and Guardian at L2.
Longtooth Young and Mature at L3.
Longtooth Young at L4 (mixed with Mulmun Hunter).
Longtooth Young between L4 and L5.
Longtooth Young at L5 and L6.
Longtooth Young at L7.

Fixed location of L7.
Mulmun Degenerate have spawned at E1.
Eomon Alpha between E1 and E2.
Eomon Dominant at E2.
Eomon Guardian between E2 and E3.
Eomon Provider north of E3.
Eomon Old at E3.
Eomon Mature betwee E3 and E4 (plus Mulmun Clan Warlord).
Eomon Young at E4 and E5.

Longtooth Alpha now at L11.
Longtooth Dominant have reached L19.
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Very nice and beautifully made as always Angel 02

But more importantly, since we can't find Eomon and Longtooth normally, does that mean they migrate into the water?

Are these amphibious creatures? And if so, can we fight them in the water also.

And then thirdly, Can we get amphibious creatures in the game.
Everyone should look at the first post, and take note of how simple, tidy and how neatly info is there...

Image bam, what can you find on points bam, info given done...

Longtooth migration status
Longtooth Mature at L1
Longtooth Mature, Provider, Guardian at L2
Longtooth Mature at L3, L4 and L5
Longtooth Young from L6 to L9
Mulmun Hunter at L6

Longtooth Alpha at L11, L12 and L13
Longtooth Dominant at L14 to L20

Eomon migration status
Eomon Young at E1 and E2
Mulmun Degenerate west of E2
Eomon Alpha between E2 and E3
Eomon Dominant at E3
Eomon Guardian, Provider between E3 and E4
Eomon Old at E4
Eomon Mature between E4 and E5 (+Mulmun Clan Warlord)
Eomon Young and E5, E6

Adjusted location and waypoints for E5 and E6
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any current spawn for guardian/provider?
Longtooth migration status
Longtooth Mature at L1
Longtooth Provider, Guardian at L2 (this seems to be a permanent spawn)
Longtooth Mature from L3 to L7
Longtooth Young from L7 to L9

Longtooth Alpha from L11 to L16
Longtooth Dominant from L16 to L21 (almost at L22)

No big changes the last few days. Low and High maturity paths have not yet merged but they are getting close. Just like Eomon, its possible Longtooth have two separate paths that just happen to be close to eachother.

Eomon migration status
Nothing at E1
Mulmun Clan Warlord at E2
Eomon Young at E3
Mulmun Degenerate south-west of E3
Eomon Alpha between E3 and E4
Eomon Dominant at E4
Eomon Guardian, Provider at E5
Eomon Old south-west of E5
Eomon Mature at E6 (+ Mulmun Clan Warlord)
Eomon Young south-west of E6
Eomon Young at E7
Eomon Young at E10

Next update on friday or saturday if I have time to play after work ;)
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Longtooth migration status
Longtooth Mature at L1
Longtooth Provider, Guardian at L2
Longtooth Mature from L3 to L8
Longtooth Young at L9
Mulmun Hunter at L11
Longtooth Alpha from L12 to L17
Longtooth Dominant from L18 to L22

Adjusted position of L10.

Eomon migration status
Nothing at E1 or E2
Eomon Young at E3 and E4
Mulmun Degenerate south-west of E4
Eomon Alpha between E4 and E5
Eomon Dominant at E5
Eomon Guardian, Provider at E6
Eomon Old south-west of E6
Eomon Mature between E6 and E7 (+ Mulmun Clan Warlord)
Eomon Young at E7
Eomon Young at E10 (+ Mulmun Clan Warlord)
Eomon Young at E11

The only thing left at E1 and E2 area bunch of smelly Eomon farts so don't go there (or do, I'm not the police).
I'm starting to think E7 is actually the end of Eomon path #1.