This is off topic because it's not questioning whether or not this is an exploit... but.... what I'd like to know is this -
What is the return % for 3 players using VTOLs vs. 3 players NOT using VTOLs? Reason I ask this is because for the last 3 years I've been under the impression that the system records your decay and pays accordingly.
I revive killed a Stalker. Cost me about 72 PED ammo and I got a 55 PED global. If I would have used a VTOL I would have saved a TONNE of Mind Essence.... That being said.... I doubt my Cost to kill that Stalker would have been any cheaper than say Star's cost to kill it. Difference being I can revive kill 2 per hour where he kills one every 3 minutes thus increasing his odds at a large loot.
Yes this may be an exploit, but the loot system can't be cracked that easilly. If an exploiter is getting back 75% returns then who cares how they get them? Sure they MIGHT ATH off a mob they aren't skilled/geared up enough to kill properly... but then again.... So could a noob crafting/mining.
I think people should worry about their own gameplay before others.... by the way.... was my revive kill an exploit too? I don't think TP chips were designed to assist in killing mobs way above your skill/gear level.
i remember at some point , in omegaton there was many 'noob' hunting falx by revive killing , a spawn was next to a revive , and people was making big team to revive kill...
many people was sending suport case about how unfair it was , so , some player got locked , and MA mouved a bit the spawn , making the revive killing way more dificult...
In short it seems nowday , because of player , the only to kill a mobs without riking to get acount locked is to hunt alone and to tank the mobs...all other system seems to be an exploit..
revive kill is an exploit , ping pong is an exploit , outrun mobs is an exploit , faper go in vtol is an exploit, i wonder when people will begin to say hiring a mod fap or teaming is an exploit...
All that for the sake of the "fairness".. EU IS NOT FAIR !!!
Many people did spend many money in many way and get nothing for it , and many other made shit load of money doing nothing beside beeing lucky...
Get over it...
Its not because you will piss off some ramdom player who kill eomon that use a Vtoll that sudently you will get big loot...
You should more try to bring more player to game , than pissing those here...
And , how many of those who complain so much in this thread did really send a suport case , asking to MA an action to fix the exploit ?
Because getting some random joe banned does not solve the problem... how many did it ?