Some feedback about 'hp bar UI element', I know it won't get implemented for initial release on 20th but please consider changing it in later patch.
Current hp bar implementation
- shows PED Card balance
- does not show Avatar Name
I would argue that those should be reversed, and should
- hide PED Card balance
- show Avatar Name
This is crucial for sharing screenshots, vidoes or live streaming EU.
Currently you need to either edit screenshots, or to use blocking elements to hide part or entire hp bar UI in order to hide PED balance. This creates hussle and breaks viewers' immersion (if entire hp bar is hidden), resulting in fewer EU content being broadcasted into world, thus lowering free advertisement of a game.
Both our Avatar Name and our PED Card are some of most impotrant assets ingame (on top of Avatar Skills and Game Knowledge), however both of those belong in opposite privacy cathegories:
- Avatar Name is carrier of our Reputation (whether good or bad) and Fame in game, and as such should be always visible to other players. Hiding this information only aids bad actors in
- stealing other players' images and videos and using those for own gains
- hiding and anonymising their shady practices (currently there had been sevweral instances of someone recording malicious thing or use of exploit and this being visible to public, with clear indication who did it)
- PED Card balance is very personal and vast majority of players want to hide that information from other players, for variety of reasons, most importantly to avoid being targeted by potential hack attempts. Forcing this information on screen only creates hassle for anyone wanting to create content with EU gameplay
As with other aspects of UI and game, optionality should be available.
For example default option for PED Card balance on hp bar UI element shoulkd be hidden, with option to show for those who really want to broadcast that info to world.
However I think Avatar Name shoulkd be always visible.