FYI: OMG! Apartments, no rent paid since 2006!


Few Scars

Aug 18, 2009
Avatar Name
Bjorn Bjorn Longstaff
Ok my first winge!

I have been hunting around for apartments with good views. So far I have found Billton Towers 1, 3G to have the nicest view (not for sale :()....however, upon trying other apartments...:mad:

Why on earth are apartments still locked that haven't had rent paid since 2006!!!! :jawdrop:
This is utterly ridiculous! If the ToU states that an account is terminated after 750 days inactivity, then so should the apartment! There are some nice apartments locked and need to be re-opened! I am sending a support case to MA! :cussing:

Glad I got that off my chest!

Addit: Seems that alot of people use them for storage and don't pay rent unless they need something. I guess the 500 item personal storage needs addressing!
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I used to leave my apartments unpaid, for months and months and then some more months; because they didn't really serve a purpose. I can't store enough stuff, I can't access auction/terminals - then MA finally introduces a "personal storage terminal" and it's (L) ..... :laugh: I don't have a hair/beauty business - so after many years - I finally admitted my apartments were utterly useless and sold my apartments, last month.

anyway - to the point - I know of some friends with multiple apartments that would leave them - rent unpaid, unvisited, unused .. stuffed with random things. ie: totally decayed tt tools LoL

The people still play .. the apartments just don't ;)

I agree, if there are apartments of 'deleted' avatars - maybe they should be opened up ... but we saw what they did with the land areas. :rolleyes:
What if the player is active and not using the appartment? Did you happen to get an avatar name? You could check the tracker and see when the last time they globaled was.
What if the player is active and not using the appartment? Did you happen to get an avatar name? You could check the tracker and see when the last time they globaled was.

I agree the player could still be active i know my apartments rent is not paid lol
anyway - to the point - I know of some friends with multiple apartments that would leave them - rent unpaid, unvisited, unused .. stuffed with random things. ie: totally decayed tt tools LoL

The people still play .. the apartments just don't ;)

Ok, surely a few resettlement containers could hold their random stuff. Such a waste of a perfectly good apartment. Oh well, I guess MA loses out when they could put apartments in good locations with good views and get rents, while increasing the Personal Terminal storage capacity to more than 500. I did a poll recently in which 60% or more people wanted greater than 1500 storage space.
...another support case!
Ok, surely a few resettlement containers could hold their random stuff. Such a waste of a perfectly good apartment. Oh well, I guess MA loses out when they could put apartments in good locations with good views and get rents, while increasing the Personal Terminal storage capacity to more than 500. I did a poll recently in which 60% or more people wanted greater than 1500 storage space.
...another support case!

lol - I know of someone with a couple apartments totally stuffed with decayed down to nothing tt scanners. :rofl: I don't think they wanted to box them up .. but I guess for others to enjoy it, though - they should have paid rent lmao doh!

also - the containers don't work well in the apartments, because if I recall right - we don't get the convenient 'storage' tabs and the storage boxes are a nightmare, really. I love the personal storage terminal .. but it's (L) and that just makes me :duh:

I'd LOVE more space in apartments - no question. c'mon MA - give us room to put down 473 random things lol :thumbup:
There are some nice apartments locked and need to be re-opened! I am sending a support case to MA! :cussing:

Glad I got that off my chest!

I agree! May the monthly fee that locks them be removed at once! :yay:
Just a thought. Make the appartments that have not had rent paid for X amount of time lootable? LOL ;)
I own several apartments, bought for my own purposes and I pay the fee once and then when I need access to the aprtments. I own over 800 items including stacks of usefull and unusefull stuff. If I don't use my belongings it's only my concern. Why should the apartment be treated different from other things ingame? Just beacuse YOU are looking for an apartment you find it unfair. But say you look for special weapon X and you know that there is 200 unused weapon X's ingame that haven't been used since 2006. Should they too be stolen from their owners to be put on the market? You only see this in your subjective view.

FYI there is lots of still not sold estates that belongs to "Markus the Estate Broker" (MA), shouldn't it be better that MA released more deeds? It looks like there is a market need for more estates, at least there is one potential buyer looking for one.
Maybe MA should add in an eviction period, like in real life. If you don't pay for X months, you get kicked out and your stuff ends up in your storage.
I own several apartments, bought for my own purposes and I pay the fee once and then when I need access to the aprtments. I own over 800 items including stacks of usefull and unusefull stuff. If I don't use my belongings it's only my concern. Why should the apartment be treated different from other things ingame? Just beacuse YOU are looking for an apartment you find it unfair. But say you look for special weapon X and you know that there is 200 unused weapon X's ingame that haven't been used since 2006. Should they too be stolen from their owners to be put on the market? You only see this in your subjective view.

FYI there is lots of still not sold estates that belongs to "Markus the Estate Broker" (MA), shouldn't it be better that MA released more deeds? It looks like there is a market need for more estates, at least there is one potential buyer looking for one.

Hmmm, common theme is storage issues! I think MA will have to address this. If apartments are only being used for storage reasons, then a larger Personal Storage is needed. It is your right to do as you wish with your apartment and I am not saying it isn't. The reason for this thread is more about those accounts that are terminated, but it's also interesting to see why rents are not paid. Thanks for your input Nirfu :)
Maybe MA should add in an eviction period, like in real life. If you don't pay for X months, you get kicked out and your stuff ends up in your storage.

Sorry but that might be the worse idea ever :confused: would make apartments more useless!
Blah , you reminded me i owe rent for like 5 months maybe more... Here they go 50 peds omg :f
You gotta remember, it's not really rent, people bought and own the apts.

It's more of a maintinence fee to use the apt, if u don't use it, u don't pay it.

Selling apts because they haven't been used and paid fees would be like MA selling a gun you had in storage and didn't pay any decay on for X amout of months.

Prob not the best example, but migh tmake sense to some.

I know I have 2 apts that I only pay fees for when I need to get something off the shelves in there.

Just another angle of the debate to think about mate.

Maybe one day they will make mail boxes for them or u need an apt to garage a vehicle in, anything really to give them more use.
I have owned 2 apartments for 2.5 years and I only paid 1 months rent (10 PED) on one of them about 6 months back so I could store stuff in there from my overflowing storage allowance of 500 items...:scratch2:
It's my appartment & I pay the fee whenever I like it!
& if there are so many ppl like me & you need one, come make someone an offer they can't refuse. I'm pretty sure they'll consider selling ;)
FYI there is lots of still not sold estates that belongs to "Markus the Estate Broker" (MA)

I asked about this in the past, and according to Markus himself, he doesn't own any appartments. Those with his name on it, are appartments that have been sold but the owners simply haven't claimed them.
I asked about this in the past, and according to Markus himself, he doesn't own any appartments. Those with his name on it, are appartments that have been sold but the owners simply haven't claimed them.

Yep, most of them were (according to rumor) bought up by a group of quite few avatars when first released, to be resold later for a profit...

(not claiming the apartments = not having to pay any rent, so they can wait forever)
I asked about this in the past, and according to Markus himself, he doesn't own any appartments. Those with his name on it, are appartments that have been sold but the owners simply haven't claimed them.

Thats interesting. Have apartments increased in value since their release? I guess we just need to contact owners and make offers...
:yay::wtg::(:cool:ZOMG, what cruel people... :eyecrazy::scratch2::laugh::eek:
I have an apartment with unpaid rent on what business is it of yours or anyones??? I still play..I just don't use my apartment on CND anymore..It's totally useless now.

Here's the deal - Once you buy a deed you are considered the "Owner"


The monthly mantenance fee is just a fee to access the estate, not really rent, even though Marco himself sometimes mistakingly calls it rent on occassion here in the forums.

If it was rent, it'd be more like the real world where you only pay two months rent at most when you get the place, not the high amount that is paid for the deed on auctions these days...

The confusion arises from the fact that the deed holder is an "Owner" and the estate terminal does not list the new Owner until the deed holder claims the place... so Marcus looks like he owns a lot of places, when it's really some unknown avatar that owns it that just has not claimed it yet. This system is HIGHLY FLAWED because it makes it appear that two different parties "Own" the place... could lead to issues related to reputation if the new owner is purposefully not claiming the place to make the old owner look like they are a bad person for not paying up or something like that... I honestly have no idea why MA does not just have the estate terminals auto update when new holder has the deed - at least that would let everyone know who really owns the place so potential buyers would know who to look for if they wanted to buy the estate...

A time or two I've attempted to start listing who's listed on estate terminals and compile a list from that, but it's really a pointless effort since the info is really false info about who owns what, and it'd all be outdated anyways if the new owners ever claim the place and/or sell the deed to someone else.

It's sort of weird that Ownership is certified with the deed, but EULA - another bunch of words on a computer screen just like the deed - specifically says that no one in game can own anything... could eventually be grounds for a lot of various lawsuits and stuff... old owners sueing new owners for defamation since it looks like old owners did not pay up, both deed holder and old owner claiming Ownership of the place - although that could quickly be resolved by just claiming the place, Estate Holder Sueing MA if MA ever goes under since the deed is really just as contractually obligating as the EULA in some folk's eyes...

To fix the problems, MA should make estate holders have some more advantages then they currently do so more folks will want to pay the monthly fees... Perhaps make voting a reality in game by implementing the voting booths again, and make only those that have an estate that's had that month's payment done able to vote on things... Maybe make paying the monthly fee have an impact on how much loot you get. Maybe set aside some of the taxes in places like Omegaton and Genesis that have no participant owner collecting those taxes and use that with the above mentioned voting to get the money going in various directions to increase traffic in the local places. Maybe have more actual in game interior decorating contests with actual prizes that are worth winning. Maybe have more art contests in game, but require that the signs be inside of the avatar's apartments instead of having to be handed to MA to put in Oxford... Perhaps make it local competitions, where Omegaton is one month, Genesis the next, CND the next, etc... Maybe give better gifts on holidays and stuff to estate owners then has previously been given, but only if monthly fee is paid for that month - not just decorations, lets hand out stuff like eon armor, etc. Imagine how many apartment owners will be sad about not paying the rent that month, lol. Do similar for shop owners - instead of eon armor, maybe it's a gigantium or megaview sign (P,C) - the one that uses only one item point and is worth around 500 ped, or something similar? Maybe make it so that the travel fee to your home planet is free, but only if you pay up the rent last month, so you only have to pay for travel one way, and are free to come back so you can pay your rent for this month.

Maybe certain really nice quests that have really awesome limited time prizes can only be done if you have a deed and have your monthly rent paid up.
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Personally I think the whole "apartment" idea needs to be overhauled. At the moment most apartments are, as you have noticed, not having their monthly fee being paid. This means that they are either being used as long-term storage or as investment objects. It would be much better if MA could somehow increase an apartment's usefulness. Perhaps with a totally new sort of apartment? A new sort of apartment which would be far more useful but would REQUIRE a monthly fee (say around half of the monthly fee on current apartments). This would have several advantages:
1. Most apartments would be open and available for people to look at (thus increasing the interest for that part of the game).
2. People storing their stuff in current apartments would still be able to access as currently.
3. There would be less risk that all the new sorts of apartments would be bought up by one or two actors.
4. This could also be a substantial source of income for MA - both the initial purchase and the monthly fee paying.

Perhaps the current apartments could have two alternatives:
1. Be changed into the new sort after x months.
2. Be changed into "lock-up" garages after x-months (i.e. no windows, well they are no be used so no one will miss them).

Not quite sure about the last part though.
What if the player is active and not using the appartment? Did you happen to get an avatar name? You could check the tracker and see when the last time they globaled was.

not exactly accurate ;) I've hardly ever globalled and certainly not since the trackers been about.

I realise I'm odd though :yay:

re appartments if you ask me there is a real problem with them. I just don't think MA got them right. Maybe they should make it something everyone has? with the trading being in the sale of perceived "better" appartments (higher up ones etc)

Having a reason to go to and furnish your appartment would be good too. Maybe some kinda health/skill bonus? Seeing the appartment blocks busy would be amazing!

This would certainly help the shops and crafters out!

Solutions to the appartment problems (a few suggestions):

-personal crafting terminals with slightly improved success chance
-personal teleporter
-payed rents should allocate a % to charge up a personal account allowing teleportation outside the planet
-other terminals such as repair or tt and storage
_bookshelves (or personal library) to keep your craft books to add more realism to the apartment instead of just throwing them into storage
-drop more shopkeepers :)
- allow the use of your personal crafting terminals by others against a fee/click

This would spice up the appartment market.
Personally I think the whole "apartment" idea needs to be overhauled. At the moment most apartments are, as you have noticed, not having their monthly fee being paid. This means that they are either being used as long-term storage or as investment objects. It would be much better if MA could somehow increase an apartment's usefulness. Perhaps with a totally new sort of apartment? A new sort of apartment which would be far more useful but would REQUIRE a monthly fee (say around half of the monthly fee on current apartments). This would have several advantages:
1. Most apartments would be open and available for people to look at (thus increasing the interest for that part of the game).
2. People storing their stuff in current apartments would still be able to access as currently.
3. There would be less risk that all the new sorts of apartments would be bought up by one or two actors.
4. This could also be a substantial source of income for MA - both the initial purchase and the monthly fee paying.

Perhaps the current apartments could have two alternatives:
1. Be changed into the new sort after x months.
2. Be changed into "lock-up" garages after x-months (i.e. no windows, well they are no be used so no one will miss them).

Not quite sure about the last part though.

IMO estate is one of the keys to a better ingame market. If all users got a rent free miniestate where they could put like 20 items. All would be open for all, maybe even put close to eachother without doors. Now your miniestate would be worth to decorate. If MA/FPC release new BPs for furniture/decoration based on hunting loot the loot could get better markup and people could stop whining about bad loot.
The existing estates could be left as is or they take away the rent from them too. The thing is that the existing bigger estates would still be valuable. Maybe put the miniestates in winowless containers without windows etc.
I see no reason for there being a monthly fee at all.

Would be alot better if the fee was removed for apartments and shops. This would stimulate the market. Players with small wallets and low margins could use apartments and shops. And more furnitures and decorations would be crafted, bought and used.
In another game I play you get a Sleep bonus when you log out using a bed inside a house that you own. This bonus give you a slight skill increase bonus, much like SIB items. It would be interesting if there were uses like this with apartments. I don't necessarily agree with a SIB for using your apartment, considering how skills have lost so much value in the recent times, but it would be cool if say the sleep bonus made you run faster for the length of the bonus. Things that are useful, but aren't necessarily monetarily tangible.
WooHoo!!! The weekly apartment-whining thread has arrived!!!

Maybe MA should just remove the rent status info from the estate terminal. That way, the estate police won't have anything to get worked up about.

And, maybe, the moderators can merge all of the apartment-whining threads into one big sticky apartment-whining thread so that everyone won't have to type the exact same responses over and over and over again.