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  • Hey Aly,

    I am now a proud member of AA aswell ;) Well have been a little while now lol.. Getting along really well, great bunch of folks!
    Not going too bad in WOF so far this year, decided to keep the bonus mob run going, figured I hit them every round last year and started off again on them this year, may as well make it a permanent thing lol ( my choice, nuts eh? hehe), but so far doing well on them and geting the hit each round :)
    Meeting a few good folks of all levels that way too, as the bonus mob usually isn't a hard one to kill, just to score on...

    Wondering if you ended up having any luck seeing if that P5a BP was in your items at all?

    Anyways hope all is well and get to catch up one day soon, take care and all the best!
    aly, how are you doing? i havent seen you online in a long time! are you still in N america? or where have your adventures taken you now?
    Thanks Aly! Sorry I didn't notice this any earlier, but I hope you had a great Christmas and New Year.
    HAHA! Well I will shout oly if I can come visit you in Canada :D

    So hot in country NSW.
    Who needs a sauna :laugh:
    mwha sexy ,, merry xmas n and a appy news years to ya ,, all the best in the years endevers aly ,, :} }{][} v {][}{
    Hehe I did ask her to look for a couple more zero's but she didnt have any :(
    What a great ecard Aly,thx :)
    Wishing you and yours a very Happy and Healthy New Year.
    Ant :)

    Merry Christmas & happy New Year to u ALY! Just got home from short break ready for NYE : ) hope santa brought all u asked for & 2010 is a grate one for you! c u in game,
    Hey Aly, i hope u had a great xmas :D if i don't see u in game, have a great new years to!!
    hey thanks aly, hope you had a merry christmas too, and are having a great holiday up there in canada :)
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