I wish people would go make some friends and not leave hate msg's for people. It's just sad, really.
Hellraizer - I couldn't care less if you appreciate a damn thing I do - let alone, my sense of humor. I've tried to be cordial to you in the past, but you don't. I'll let you know when I give two fucks what you think about me or my sense of humor.
I didn't judge you by your one post, I judged you by many posts, where you bash my society.
I find it ironic that YOU are telling me not to judge someone by one action. But you can't get over your moronic friend's issue with a Pyrate - a YEAR later.

Hypocritical, much ?
As said in my PM - leave my profile messages for the many people who are my friends.
jackass reference - his 'looking for a society' thread.