Forum Transition: Status Update

is there any chance of getting the find MA/FPC posts quick search back? i dearly miss it on the official forum.
Thanks for looking into this 711, but they are still not doing what they should. As Oleg noted you can test it easily on the page. The links are still 404'ing.

I have fixed the links in the bestiary thread.

All external links and bookmarks pointing to thread URLs are now being redirected to the corresponding resource here on PCF.

Now that the EF => PCF thread redirects are in place, I have converted all internal links within posts back to the domain, so that the URLs using EntropiaForum's SEO URL format *should* be correctly redirected back to the proper location here on PCF.

Note however that some internal links in forum posts that were created before the move to PCF still may not work as intended (i.e. links to single posts, member profiles, etc.), due to the way SEO-friendly URLs were handled on EF in the past compared to the new format in use here on PCF.

As an FYI, if you want to convert any thread link (regardless of format) to a working forum URL here on PCF, this can be done quite easily:

1. Examine the not-working URL and find the thread ID, which is usually a 5 or 6 digit number.

2. Insert that ID as a parameter in the following URL structure:

The URL format in step 2 will always lead you to the correct thread here on PCF (assuming you replace the thread ID with the appropriate thread ID from your old link/bookmark).
is there any chance of getting the find MA/FPC posts quick search back? i dearly miss it on the official forum.

I am still working on getting this feature working here on PCF.

The modification on EF which allowed searching for posts from multiple users (MindArk/FPC) cannot easily be implemented here on PCF, because the base forum scripts have been completely recoded and use a much different structure. I will have to recreate this functionality from scratch.
Hope this is the right place to ask.
Am I the only one who has lost all the images from my albums? :(

When did you lose the album pics, right after the transition to PCF, or some time later?
How many pics did you lose?
Great those green bars where fckin horrific.

There seems to be a little bug though, when you hover over your rep bars it wont correctly state you reputation level but will just say reputation.
new site looks great! hope EFDs are fixed soon took a lot of peds and effort for me to collect almost 500k
When did you lose the album pics, right after the transition to PCF, or some time later?
How many pics did you lose?

I am not sure when they dissapeared since I only looked in just the other day. :ahh:
I think I had about 20 pic's. The only one left is the banner I had in EF ad-banner sub-catalog
Dont worry about my pic's. I can uppload them again with no hassle I was just wondering if it was a known issue.
I wonder how i do when i like to post a pic now ? i got the pic in my gallery here in CPF but how do i get it in to a post ?
LOL im such a noob ;p
I have tried to copy the url of my pic in the gallery and insert it to that litle image insert button above here but i get only a red cross instead of the picture:(

I miss the old way to do it tbh ;)
I wonder how i do when i like to post a pic now ? i got the pic in my gallery here in CPF but how do i get it in to a post ?
LOL im such a noob ;p
I have tried to copy the url of my pic in the gallery and insert it to that litle image insert button above here but i get only a red cross instead of the picture:(

I miss the old way to do it tbh ;)

That should have worked. But its a pain in the ass and hopefully changed soon.
it seems like the spirit of the house is to launch a new forum when the work to succesfully and quickly transfer the datas from the ancient is not done, and to make us wait until we finally see it as a gift or favor that they just did their job.
just wanted to ask: what is the improve for us to have this new forum? we've been forced to loose a good sober and practical forum + to loose contact with RT, that was for the big satisfaction of....well....having an unfinished less functional and more isolated from overall community forum. so where the hell should we be satisfied with it? Please expain, because I think that some of us have different visions of professionalism, definitely.
Please keep in mind that many of the improvements the users of EF enjoyed were placed in bit by bit over many years. It's not going to be immediate for all of them to come back. The upgraded vBulletin is not able to deal with many of the systems used in the old forum.

(Sounds like we have forum VU10 :D)
Please keep in mind that many of the improvements the users of EF enjoyed were placed in bit by bit over many years. It's not going to be immediate for all of them to come back. The upgraded vBulletin is not able to deal with many of the systems used in the old forum.

(Sounds like we have forum VU10 :D)

Yeah... It would of course be entirely impossible to just make a one-on-one copy and work from there....

Please keep in mind that many of the improvements the users of EF enjoyed were placed in bit by bit over many years. It's not going to be immediate for all of them to come back. The upgraded vBulletin is not able to deal with many of the systems used in the old forum.

Indeed, many of the forum features that members grew quite attached to (such as activity rankings, reputation given displayed in UserCP, MindArk/FPC search shortcut, etc.) are not default features of the forum software. EF acquired dozens and dozens of such added features, tweaks and enhancements over the years, and after using them so long, many members came to think of them as 'standard'.

PCF is running the vBulletin 4.0.2, the latest version of the base forum software, which is coded quite differently than the version that powered EF. Also, because vBulletin 4 is still relatively new, the 3rd-party develoment community has not yet had time to ported or recreate all of the custom addons, hacks and extended features that were available in earlier versions.

I am working hard to get all the features and functionality that existed on EF in place here on PCF, but some require more work than others to make them compatible with the new software, and thus will take a bit longer to be restored.

Thanks for your patience while the transition is completed.
As a quick fix for the searching for FPC and MA posts, a sticky with links to their profiles so that we can search that way would atleast give us a stop gap until a complete solution is available.
I wonder if the auto upload from ESG to the forum work now or will work again ?
I tried it but cant find my pics in the gallery now.
So i have to do it manually,it work to but it was very nice with the auto upload ;)
I wonder if the auto upload from ESG to the forum work now or will work again ?
I tried it but cant find my pics in the gallery now.
So i have to do it manually,it work to but it was very nice with the auto upload ;)

It's probably best to speak to the developer maintaining ESG. The change is best implemented on that end.
It's probably best to speak to the developer maintaining ESG. The change is best implemented on that end.

Yea u right ofc :)
Beside all the respect due to your work, please let me give you an other POV 711
Indeed, many of the forum features that members grew quite attached to (such as activity rankings, reputation given displayed in UserCP, MindArk/FPC search shortcut, etc.) are not default features of the forum software. EF acquired dozens and dozens of such added features, tweaks and enhancements over the years, and after using them so long, many members came to think of them as 'standard'.
we never had to think it as standard or not, functionalities were there, working fine. If you was not ready to replace a full functional forum, why did you shut down the ancient and forced us to come here? It's exactly like i said, we are supposed to see it as an achievement to get back what we already had and to be satisfied to have lost some functions that, yes, we are used to... remind me who asked for a new forum, isolated from RT players? Not the players for sure...

PCF is running the vBulletin 4.0.2, the latest version of the base forum software, which is coded quite differently than the version that powered EF. Also, because vBulletin 4 is still relatively new, the 3rd-party develoment community has not yet had time to ported or recreate all of the custom addons, hacks and extended features that were available in earlier versions.
I am working hard to get all the features and functionality that existed on EF in place here on PCF, but some require more work than others to make them compatible with the new software, and thus will take a bit longer to be restored.
Thanks for your patience while the transition is completed.
Again, is that our problem really? You could have done the following: let EF and pcf cohabit a few time, and make calls for "testers" to help you in that task of reimplement the features. You would have attracted the more dedicated forum users, maybe even interested in such activities. With a reasonnable frequentation of these users, you would have been able to shut on/off pcf every time you want and with the help of these users reintroduce all functions much faster thanyou should be now that pcf is on and must stay on. Then you would have given a few k efd to these dedicated helpers and story would have been fine.
Despite I'm sure you are working hard, the pleasure to be on the forum right now and to write/read posts is next to 3/10..
A last thing: variability of return in game is high, many people get to stagnate ig for bankrupt reasons, and in the wait of better days or deposit, all we have is the forum to relax and/or whine and expulse bad vibes.. i'm even wondered that people are so Zen to have been separated from RT..this has no sense, we share global window and hof boards, and we have a TP to travel between. just why?


As a quick fix for the searching for FPC and MA posts, a sticky with links to their profiles so that we can search that way would atleast give us a stop gap until a complete solution is available.

Yes, a sticky for the more frequent posters from |FPC would be ok to start with!
The dedicated information seeker have probably bookmarked it already, or use Update Scanner on the desired search links. ;)

i think the PCF chat should have a more visible place to access it, more like EF had. Barely noticed it had returned.
If you was not ready to replace a full functional forum, why did you shut down the ancient and forced us to come here? It's exactly like i said, we are supposed to see it as an achievement to get back what we already had and to be satisfied to have lost some functions that, yes, we are used to... remind me who asked for a new forum, isolated from RT players? Not the players for sure...

FPC bought EF. And that was commented and discussed thoroughly in all possible details. Didn't you wonder where the "calypso" in "planetcalypsoforum" came from? Logics, anyone???

No need to raise your voice just because you're the only one to not know this.
you got me wrong, it's not my care who owns what, my point is to having shut down EF before all was ready to replace the functions in CF was not a good strategy at all, I just don't really care for bad excuses like "it takes time" when there was other more practical solutions than shut EF down radically. It takes time? np take it, but then let us on a forum that is working as intendend until you finish the job... I would'nt change appartment if the new one has no current water nor openable windows and holes in the ground, would you?
I would'nt change appartment if the new one has no current water nor openable windows and holes in the ground, would you?

In fairness, this apartment is just fine. Running water, windows are nice, clean and oiled. The major things are working and we all moved in no problem. (minus the very minor glitches that always come w/ a brand new building.)

What this place is missing is the decor. The drapes and carpeting have to be altered & resized for the new place. :D
Seeing the remark of Stave..

why isnt PCF on the banner on the clientloader ?????????????????????????????????????????
The Feature i miss most is the search for all FPC/MA posts.