News Alert: Prisoner has escaped imprisonment and may be on Calypso!


Apr 21, 2007
Auction room somewhere...
Avatar Name
Maria Mesh
News Alert: We have been informed that a prisoner in the maximum security prison on Rocktropia has recently escaped and may have used the Teleporter System to leave Rocktropia in order to spread civil unrest on Calypso itself! Be on the lookout. It is currently unknown if the individual in question is armed.!/nevereverdie

nevereverdie nevereverdie
Completed the achievement "Long lost harbor" at Planet Calypso!
9 May
nevereverdie nevereverdie
Completed the achievement "Hang about" at Planet Calypso!
9 May
nevereverdie nevereverdie
Completed the achievement "Asphalt Pizza" at Planet Calypso!
9 May
+rep. Now he cannot say, this was needed to test something for RT!
Neverdie will you be my wife?

so sick of seeing his name everywhere, all the time... all "pr" is good "pr" i suppose..
I'm realy sick of all this ND shit on this forum. NO ONE GIVES A FRACK :yup:
exept for the usual handfull of suspects :dunce:
This is just getting more and more fucked :duh:

NDs avatar should be permanently deleted, or they should release info on why it should not be (such as a change in the agreement or the avatar having been made official, meaning it is subject to same rules as ALL other official avatars).
so anyone supprized ???????

dear participians
as we all know ND is PP
and as PP he can DO whatever he want
even break PP contract anytime he wish

an we all can just watch and cry
cause there is NO FORCE TO STOP THIS from our participiants side of wiev

have a very safe and productive day
... and the hate growths ...

Wonder whether he still reads this forum (or any forum for that very matter) ...

I have just signed up to the Arkadia forum and one of the officials has already made over 100 !! posts answereing various questions and even answers honestly when he doesn't know the answer ...

Lets compare

ND ... ??? (correct me if I'm wrong, but I hardly ever see him posting)
Hanne ... Who the fuck is Hanne ... Same as for Neverdie, her presense is very rare and her answers can be extremely pathetic ... Then she gets a Sissy fit that the community attacks her for her stupid answers from time to time.

The race is on, Calypso needs to step up and ND seriously needs to stop pissing us community off imo

There is no Prison on Rocktropia LoL but acctually that all planet it's just a Madhouse so....who ever escape from there can spread that sicknesss...:yay:


Little reminder from the forum rules:

Forum Rules said:
3.1 - Spamming/Flooding/Trolling
The following are NOT permitted on PlanetCalypsoForum:

  • Spamming - Posting the same thread in multiple forums, or posting the same post in multiple threads, or sending unsolicited private messages to members.
  • Flooding - Posting many times in succession in a single thread.
  • Trolling - Constant harassment of a member, or repeated off-topic and/or rude posts in a thread.
Depending on severity, content in violation of this rule will be edited or deleted, and may result in a temporary or permanent ban from the forum, all without notice.

These were the actions that got you in trouble last time, mastermesh.
So Neverdie gave up on his own planet now ? Ouch
He just went there to find OJ, Mudkicker, and Ter. They are on the search for the real killer with details about the special item.

Little reminder from the forum rules:

These were the actions that got you in trouble last time, mastermesh.
Last time I checked, there is NO THREADS ANYWHERE in these forums other then here in this thread that mentioned the latest fiasco with the move of his avatar over here to Calypso itself. If it has been mentioned elsewhere, sorry.

Stalk Neverdie much?
LoL. I'd definitely not consider following someone's tweets that they posted publicly about here in this forum so that people can follow them stalking. If that's stalking, you really need to stop stalking everyone on this forum by reading the threads here. I didn't even post about it on the day that those tweets first showed up... Look at the date.
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Personally I find it good to see these kinds of threads. Saves me, as well as many others, the trouble of doing our own research when we get met by "ND has done nothing wrong!" when we collectively facepalm at the actions of this manchild.

If you are one of the readers that feel that you have such an unrational aggression against these threads that you have to TYPE OUT CURSE WORDS IN CAPS AND THEN PG THEM whenever you see one of them, a good idea would be to hinder yourself, as you're bumping the thread to the top.
nevereverdie nevereverdie
Completed the achievement "Asphalt Pizza" at Planet Calypso!
9 May

objectively it does look like he tried to do the right thing and kill himself.. a few times even.

Seems, in his own way, he answered you fairly quickly on this recent 'escape'. I noticed you MM 'liked' this on facebook, I'm confused, maybe that glass of wine was too much before dinner :eyecrazy:

Taking a look at that, I think it is just an ad for Hell. Just like the "I have been locked in No Way Out Prison" did not actually mean in any way that Neverdie avatar was really locked there, but was just advertising for the upcoming No Way Out Prison and its quests. We were just confused back in the day by things being called "press releases".
Stalker...................... are you a discarded groupie after revenge or something?
Seems like I need to hide sumwer else, since Calypso seems to be quite popular for escapd RT inmates (like me) :)
I'm confused. You are angry because neverdie tped to calypso?

FYI: Last time I landed on Calypso I was spammed by a page or more of achievements scrolling down my screen as well.

I'm confused. You are angry because neverdie tped to calypso?

FYI: Last time I landed on Calypso I was spammed by a page or more of achievements scrolling down my screen as well.

I see nothing wrong with objectively pointing out that ND's publicity stunt was, beyond any doubts, just a publicity stunt.
What I however don't understand are all these accusations of rage and stalking. Really, it's like I entered an episode of desperate housewives. Sure, protecting your assets is one thing, but claiming people are getting emotional when they clearly aren't just seems very lowbrow.
Seems, in his own way, he answered you fairly quickly on this recent 'escape'. I noticed you MM 'liked' this on facebook, I'm confused, maybe that glass of wine was too much before dinner :eyecrazy:
as I've said before, I don't have any personal vandetta or anything, and sure, I like that he's tweeting this stuff so we all can see it. I like a lot of thing in fb related to entropia. The 'story' of Neverdie and his War makes for fun reading and drama. I love reading drama. I have a theater minor after all... Why wouldn't I 'like' seeing a director trying to tell a story, even if I don't agree with the morals being preached in that story.
Last time i checked he owned Bank Neverdie in PA which is probably why he was there and will need to go there until he finds a buyer for it.

Neverdie haters need to get a life or a girlfriend or something it's really pathetic. seriously this is not just one persons opinion this is even the people who are not on Neverdies side thinking you're pathetic.
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Last time i checked he owned Bank Neverdie in PA which is probably why he was there and will need to go there until he finds a buyer for it.

LOL. Only took 3 pages before someone posted the obvious. +REP

Okay aren't those achievements you get for going to certain areas or splitting on the pavement? Please explain how this constitutes a problem?
Last time i checked he owned Bank Neverdie in PA which is probably why he was there and will need to go there until he finds a buyer for it.

Neverdie haters need to get a life or a girlfriend or something it's really pathetic. seriously this is not just one persons opinion this is even the people who are not on Neverdies side thinking you're pathetic.

LOL. Only took 3 pages before someone posted the obvious. +REP


Well, smartypants, you forget to mention that ND has an extra avatar for managing the bank, and, the twitter feed is no longer connected with his old account (Jon NEVERDIE Jacobs), but his new avatar "nevereverdie"...
ND has a long history of "extra rules" - does "Island Girl" ring a bell?

Neverdie lovers need to pull their noses from his ass and realize that this is not about "like or dislike ND", and your lame attempts to reduce these issues to a mere popularity contest reveal more of your motives than you'd ever admit to...

This is about RULES and how they are enforced differently - read the book "Animal Farm" again, both of you, when you manage to stop yourself from buttkissing nd for a minute... "some are more equal than others" - does that ring a bell?

Is that a problem or forum obsession or
just True passion of ND obsession.

Go ND :)
... the twitter feed is no longer connected with his old account (Jon NEVERDIE Jacobs), but his new avatar "nevereverdie"...

I don't think "nevereverdie" is a new avatar wizzszz ... he has used that name for a very long time and is associated with his email address as well. As far as I know, his NEVERDIE avatar in game is definitely associated with the nevereverdie account at Twitter. I haven't seen anything that points to anything different, have you?