The Mob Ladder - A guide to what mob to hunt next



Aug 15, 2006
Leeds, UK
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Oleg Oleg McMullery
I've put together a rough guide to answer the questions that people often ask about what mobs they should try next, as their skills and equipment get better. I've divided the mobs into various categories, so that if you want to find new mobs to try, identify which category you fit into and look at the mobs in the list.

This is based on the smallest maturities of each mob, obviously you can also move up to higher maturities as your skills and equipment progress. Remember that there is a big difference between, for example, a Daikiba Young and a Daikiba Stalker, so when you are trying out a new mob I'd suggest going for the low maturities first and see what you can handle.

It's impossible to order the mobs completely because of varying damage types and frequency of attacks/hits, as well as the complications caused by the various different equipment set-ups a player can have. This is intended as a rough guide only. I'd recommend checking the mob's details on Entropedia as well, especially when it comes to special damage types such as electric or penetration.

I've tried to also consider the aggression factor, i.e. whether you are likely to get mobbed by several at once. This is why Rippersnapper, for example, are a little higher up than their stats might suggest.

I've excluded mobs that are not in the game as standard, such as Eomon or Drone Communicator.

I'd appreciate any comments or suggestions for changes.

The list is in the next post.
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Little Birdies
Tiny non-aggressive birds that will die with a couple of shots. Not really recommended for hunting but it can be fun to wipe them out!

Chirpy (Bestiary, Entropedia)
Fugabarba (Bestiary, Entropedia)
Gibnib (Bestiary, Entropedia)
Turp (Bestiary, Entropedia)

Beginning hunters should start with these mobs. An Opalo should be enough to kill these without any armour or a FAP.

Exarosaur (Bestiary, Entropedia)
Plumatergus (Bestiary, Entropedia)
Pupugi (Bestiary, Entropedia)
Sabakuma (Bestiary, Entropedia)
Shinkiba (Bestiary, Entropedia) IRON
Snablesnot Female (Bestiary, Entropedia)
Snablesnot Male (Bestiary, Entropedia)

These are a bit trickier but once you have a few skills they won't be difficult.

Berycled (Bestiary, Entropedia)
Caudatergus (Bestiary, Entropedia)
Combibo (Bestiary, Entropedia)
Cornundacauda (Bestiary, Entropedia) IRON
Diripi (Bestiary, Entropedia)
Igni (Bestiary, Entropedia)
Kerberos (Bestiary, Entropedia)
Merp (Bestiary, Entropedia) IRON BRONZE
Prancer (Bestiary, Entropedia)

Low Level
When you've got a few pieces of low-end armour, try some of these. A bigger gun or an amp would be good at this point.

Cornundos (Bestiary, Entropedia)
Faucervix (Bestiary, Entropedia)
Foul (Bestiary, Entropedia) IRON
Gradivore (Bestiary, Entropedia)
Mourner (Bestiary, Entropedia)
Rippersnapper (Bestiary, Entropedia) IRON
Snarksnot (Bestiary, Entropedia)
Tantillion (Bestiary, Entropedia)


Argonaut (Bestiary, Entropedia) IRON BRONZE
Attacker (Bestiary, Entropedia)
Calamusoid Female (Bestiary, Entropedia)
Calamusoid Male (Bestiary, Entropedia)
Calypsocod (Bestiary, Entropedia)
Drone (Bestiary, Entropedia)
Equus (Bestiary, Entropedia)
Feffoid (Bestiary, Entropedia) IRON BRONZE
Hiryuu (Bestiary, Entropedia) IRON
Maffoid (Bestiary, Entropedia)
Molisk (Bestiary, Entropedia) IRON BRONZE
Morsusilex (Bestiary, Entropedia)
Sonic Squid (No Bestiary Page, Entropedia)
Trilomite (Bestiary, Entropedia)
Tripudion (Bestiary, Entropedia)
Umbranoid (Bestiary, Entropedia)


Allophyl (Bestiary, Entropedia) IRON
Armax Cow (Bestiary, Entropedia) IRON
Atrax (Bestiary, Entropedia) IRON
Atrox (Bestiary, Entropedia) IRON BRONZE
Bristlehog (Bestiary, Entropedia)
Estophyl (Bestiary, Entropedia) IRON
Gokibusagi (Bestiary, Entropedia)
Longu (Bestiary, Entropedia) IRON
Mermoth (Bestiary, Entropedia)
Repesilex (Bestiary, Entropedia)
Thorafoid (Bestiary, Entropedia)
Thorofoid (Bestiary, Entropedia)


Aetherex (Bestiary Entropedia)
Ambulimax (Bestiary, Entropedia)
Armax Bull (Bestiary, Entropedia) IRON
Boorum Male (Bestiary, Entropedia)
Boorum Female (Bestiary, Entropedia)
Droka (Bestiary, Entropedia) IRON
Eviscerator (Bestiary, Entropedia) IRON
Fungoid (Bestiary, Entropedia)
Furor (Bestiary, Entropedia)
Itumatrox (Bestiary, Entropedia)
Kreltin (Bestiary, Entropedia) IRON
Miner Bot (Bestiary, Entropedia)
Mulmun (Bestiary, Entropedia)
Nexnecis (Bestiary, Entropedia)
Scaboreas (Bestiary, Entropedia)
Snarg (Bestiary, Entropedia)
Tantardion (Bestiary, Entropedia)
Tezlapod (Bestiary, Entropedia)
Thorifoid (Bestiary, Entropedia)
Thorio (Bestiary, Entropedia)
Trooper (Bestiary, Entropedia)
TskTsk (Bestiary, Entropedia)
Warrior (Bestiary, Entropedia) IRON

High Level

Aurli (Bestiary, Entropedia) IRON
Cersumon (Bestiary, Entropedia)
Cornoanterion (Bestiary, Entropedia)
Formicacida (Bestiary, Entropedia)
Formidon (Bestiary, Entropedia)
Frescoquda (Bestiary, Entropedia)
Hispidus (Bestiary, Entropedia)
Legionaire (Bestiary, Entropedia)
Leviathan (Bestiary, Entropedia)
Muluk-hir (Bestiary, Entropedia)
Neconu (Bestiary, Entropedia) IRON
Oculus (Bestiary, Entropedia)
Phasm (Bestiary, Entropedia)
Razortooth (Bestiary, Entropedia)
Scipulor (Bestiary, Entropedia) IRON
Sumima (Bestiary, Entropedia) IRON


Araneatrox (Bestiary, Entropedia) IRON
Caperon (Bestiary, Entropedia)
Grand Formidon (Bestiary, Entropedia)
Hogglo (Bestiary, Entropedia)
Kingfisher (Bestiary, Entropedia)
Letomie (Bestiary, Entropedia)
Mulaak'f (Bestiary, Entropedia)
Proteron (Bestiary, Entropedia)


Chomper (Bestiary, Entropedia)
Daspletor (Bestiary, Entropedia)
Falxangius (Bestiary, Entropedia)
Globster Bestiary, Entropedia)
Malcruentor (Bestiary, Entropedia)
Osseocollum (Bestiary, Entropedia)
Second Entity (Bestiary, Entropedia)
Warlock (Bestiary, Entropedia) (NB - Only Gen 7 and above exist in game at the moment)

IRON indicates that an Iron Challenge is available for this mob.
BRONZE indicates that a Bronze Challenge is available for this mob.
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whoo whoo
im high lvl to some uber mobs :D ...
as the spiders are not at all difficult to kill with a freind just grap a foxtrot and got to the outpost near teh rig and go getting them closer but not soo close as in radar when revived then the action start :

per example: you go north of spider and your freind is south but in radar then your freind shoots spider at south till spider hits him and he die then its time to you shootyou go shooting teh spider till ~the spider hits you then you die and your freind is already at spider shooting him and then after maybe :scratch2: 3 to 4 times teh spider is killed and you get some nice loots .... ( i mean HOFs !! ) iu made hof of 20 place some days ago on spider alpha heeh WOOT !!
seems im medium ^^

but nice idea :)

i dislike pupugis, they are PITA :D
Nice list, but I would suggest moving Mulmun and Muluk Hir one step up each. They both hit a bit faster than normal mobs (25 vs 20 rpm I believe) and hit a lot. Also, the higher mulmun maturities I cant sometimes outfap in ghost+5B with ek 2600 at 120+ HP and 2400 evade.
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nice work Oleg
nice ladder, i am agree on most of it.
In the other hand, it seems i am currently a disciple :cool: Anyone want to be my mentor ?;)
Thanks for the comments everyone, I'm glad you think this is useful.

Nebu - thanks for the Mulmun/Muluk-Hir info, that's the sort of thing I need for the mobs I don't know well enough, or at all. I had a feeling I may have underestimated them. I'll edit the list for those two. +rep for your help.
Thorofoid and Thorafoid give more or less the same damage... then I would step down the thorofoid in the graduate group.
Great work Oleg!
Great work! Although I think for some, maturity plays a HUGE part.

For example, Atrox. You can hunt those very low down, the Young ones. But AOA+, and your into High level.

However, I think this list serves well for its main audience, which is newer players. By the time you get Into the higher levels, you know what you can kill anyway.

So +rep! :thumbup:
Great list +rep
I do think that Hogs should be uber.
I killed a neconu before, i must be high level :)

also, thirofoids r easy as to kill, 4 of us tok them down easy with unamped opalos....maybe move some mobs higher on the list but put a maturity next to em...


Trox r low level

AOA r high level..
Very excellent list there mate

I'd like to see some more in-depth comparisons with regard to maturity levels... ie Atrox Provider being (near enough) the same as Berycled Prowler or something... I'd be willing to put this into a nice chart/table if I had the appropriate information...

Well done though, good work :)
I've deliberately avoided considering the maturities because this is supposed to about when you can START to hunt those types of mob. I wanted to keep the list as simple as possible, and that was the way to do it.

It would be great to have a similar list with all maturities added but it would be far more complicated to set up and to examine, so I think it would serve a different purpose. Both lists in combination would be great.

Some have mentioned that it's good for new players but I hope it'll be useful for higher level players too. I actually had the idea of putting it together because I wanted to see what mobs I should be looking at next - starting to work on the high level category as well as identifying some mobs that I should be able to handle quite comfortably but that I haven't tried before.

I'll move Thorofoid down on Sherwood's advice. Thanks again for the input everyone.

PS E.K.x it's supposed to be about killing mobs solo without reviving :)
Nice work! It would be nice if someone could cross-ref damage by maturity though, because that plays a HUGE part.

If we're just looking at lowest levels, I'd:

- raise the Mourner
- lower the Snarksnot
- lower Rippersnapper (they're just hard to kill because of being underwater)
- raise the Estophyl
- lower the Calamusoid
- definitely raise the Cornoanterion
- lower the Tantardion
- lower the Caperon, I can kill those easier than Hoggs and I'm not uber

Just a quick pass. :)
Thanks for the list Oleg, and +rep. I see I'm borderline beginner and noob.:)
Nice list! +reps for this (a good way to give some back from previous postings too).

However I would say a few of the high level mobs need adjusting. Maybe add a level between high and uber, or something...

There is no way I can take either of those below alone - even with high end gun, fast fap and Jag+ armor (3k evade and 5k gun skills).

Also maybe the tsktsk need to be raised a bit. I have not seen anybody medium equipped take down those, unless fast and high dmg gun.

Yesterday I tried Mulak Hir low maturity with my newly purchased Prosecutor M15. Still, max'ed with 60 dmg/sec and fapping fast Emt2500, I stood no chance. The Mulaak'f just looked at me, before I found myself spawned under the Lighttower again... :ahh:
+ rep i like it =) i am currently Disciple =P
IMO Chomper isn't that hard, uber class should be those even you have a good armor (phantom, jag, ghoul ...) and a good fap plus a high damage gun and you stand almost no chance against it, like spider will eat thru 120~180 on phantom + 5b), but chompers hit 80 max.

And yes, maturity plays a big part, with shogun you can take atrox up to provider, but stalker is too much. Young ~ Provider should be at graduate, Guardian should be medium level, Dominant ~ Prowler should be high level, Stalker is uber.

Tsktsk should be moved up to high level, it isn't very easy ...
whoo whoo
im high lvl to some uber mobs :D ...
as the spiders are not at all difficult to kill with a freind just grap a foxtrot and got to the outpost near teh rig and go getting them closer but not soo close as in radar when revived then the action start :

per example: you go north of spider and your freind is south but in radar then your freind shoots spider at south till spider hits him and he die then its time to you shootyou go shooting teh spider till ~the spider hits you then you die and your freind is already at spider shooting him and then after maybe :scratch2: 3 to 4 times teh spider is killed and you get some nice loots .... ( i mean HOFs !! ) iu made hof of 20 place some days ago on spider alpha heeh WOOT !!

I think what Oleg is referring to are mobs that you can take without dying. Anybody can do respawn killing if you just have a gun that will do enough damage to prevent the mob from regenerating until you come back.
The two higher level categories are broader than the others, as there aren't so many mobs clustered together in terms of difficulty. No, Chomper isn't as difficult as a spider, but I don't see any need to split it down into further categories. It's a rough, at-a-glance guide.

I have my doubts about the Caperon and the Phasm though, anyone else with advice on this?

Small TskTsk aren't that difficult but you have to realise they do mainly Penetration damage. I can take them in unplated vigi.

Thanks once again for all the input.
nice work +rep for that:)

i'm somwhere between Graduate and Medium:yay:
I think faucer is easier than corns. Maybe it's because faucer often are higher maturity than corns, bot overall corn are harder. I think it's the case because there is a good spawn of stalkers (ti) which kick the highest faucer (alpha) big time.
Also 100% impact means overall more damage than 75% 25%.
great guide, i need something like this. ;)

Some suggestions from my own experience: merps seem harder than tantillions, but both seem easier than foul or berys. Imho, I think i have a good to fair chance of taking out merps or tantillions naked (1 ammo pistol or 2 ammo rifle,) but it would be very difficult for me to do fouls or berys like this.

fouls ~ bery
merps > tantillons, but both easier than fouls/bery.

i would recommend a full set of pixie minimum for the "noob" category.

You might also want to include something like: as a general guideline, this chart is only for youngs, be cautious when fighting higher maturities.

also, it seems like i can use an equation to figure out if i have a chance against a particular mob or not:

(Monster's damage - my armor protection) + fap heal rate = actual damage rate
(Monster's hp / my gun damage) = killing rate
killing rate must be > damage rate

So, atm, I can handle any monster where they do 20-25 impact damage because of my rascal (-15) and fap (+10). For monsters over 30, my kill rate becomes a factor. I can handle argo hunter/gatherers only when i am getting 12+/shot.
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No, Chomper isn't as difficult as a spider, but I don't see any need to split it down into further categories. It's a rough, at-a-glance guide.

I have my doubts about the Caperon and the Phasm though, anyone else with advice on this?
I can't deal with a second hit from a spider, but I've never seen any under alpha level.

Haven't killed a Chomper yet, but think I could revival wise but not patient enough. With Jag and 5B's I can take both Caperons and Phasm with a bit of work and fapping, so I see them in the same class and not uber (cause I'm a n00ber :D). This is a fun thread. :)
A little bump for this - still looking for some more comments, especially on those high/uber level mobs.
I suppose this is at what lvl u can _solo_ theses mobs.. that's why Chomper is in the uber section. With a friend, i can easily take down chompers. But to solo them is a completely different story, very very tough to hunt them alone. They may not be as diffcult as a spider but they are harder than everything in the 'High lvl' list.
I have never fought Caperons myself but are they really uber ? :scratch2:

Also i would recommend u to move Oculus down. They are definitely not in the same division as Hoggs. While mining i sometimes run across these and they are easy even w/o armor and a Korss 400. And i tell u, i can NOT kill a hogglo w/o armor;)

Furthermore, Troopers should be moved down also since they have very low HP. With a little dodgeskill and some fair DPS u can put them to rest before they even hit u.
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great idea and great list. this will be very usefull.
+rep for u;)
Great guide.

I personally rate mobs by whether I can kill one without fapping.